Daraya'dan bir enstantane
A view from Daraya
- Daraa: Devlet Hastanesi civarında şiddetli çatışmalar devam ediyor. / Fierce clashes continue between mujahideen and regime forces in the area around the National Hospital.
- Humus(Homs): Halid b. Velid camiinden dünya müslümanlarına mesaj. / An English-language message for all Muslims and all people of conscience around the world from the Khaled b. Waled mosque.
- Tam olarak doğrulanmamış bir habere göre ÖSO komutanlarından Kemal Hammami diğer adıyla Ebu Basil Al Ladkani Lazkiye'de ISI yetkilileriyle buluşmasında ISI tarafından öldürüldü. Haber Reuters kaynaklı ve ÖSO sözcüsü Qassam Saadeddin tarafından telefonla verildiği belirtiliyor. / According to non confirmed news from different sources Kamal Hamami, a member of the Free Syrian Army's Supreme Military Council, known by his nom de guerre Abu Bassel al-Ladkani, was meeting with members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in the port city of Latakia when they killed him, Qassem Saadeddine, a Free Syrian Army spokesman, told Reuters.
- Şam(/Damascus): Kentte sıradanlaşan bombardımandan bir sahne. / A scene from the usual bombing on city.
- Halep(Aleppo): Kentteki rejim güçlerinin başına atanan yeni komutan General Issam Zahereddine. Tam bir katil. / Assad appointed as new commander for Aleppo General Zahereddine. He is an exact killer.
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Büyütmek için tıklayınız.
General Issam Zaher Eddine, known as a savage brute, is Assad new top man in Aleppo replacing Mohamed Khaddour, according to activists.
Pro- Assad’s Social media pages have circulated a message addressed to Bashar al-Assad to oust the Commander of military special operations in Aleppo, Brigadier Mohammed, after series of heavy defeats amount to 23 in the city and its countryside.
The Assad supporters urged an immediate act to put an end to the defeats. ” We need a man with brave heart not like Khaddour.”
The brave heart seemed to Brigadier, Issam Zaher Eddine, one of republican Guards’ pillars and known as a savage brute. AL-Assad new appointment to his top man in Aleppo is to improve the morale of Assad’s fighters after a series of defeats.
Two months ago, a Leaked YouTube video by activists shows Khaddour next to Mohamed Wahid Akkad, and Governor of Aleppo in meeting with ‘Shabiha’ pro-Assad’s militia in the Shi’ite villages of Nobbol and Zahra.
Khaddour promised the militants to solve all their problems and to provide monthly salaries beside a lot of merits. ”Everything will be solved, just we have to win, and after that I will make of your villages the capital of the countryside”.
During the meeting, militants were chanting louder and louder, using the same slogans of Hezbollah, Shi’ite militia backed by Iran.
Khaddour said I have with me 250 to 300 soldiers. ” I need your support, I need you to be organized in groups, 50 people for each, I need you to save your ammunition
- Humus(Homs)-Rastan: Mücahitler Hamza kontrol noktasını vuruyor. / Mujahideen target Hamza Checkpoint.
- Halep(Aleppo)-Khan al Asal: Hizbuşşeytan militanlarının ele geçirilmesi operasyonunun videosu. / Extended Video of #FSA Operation Capturing Hezbollah Thugs in Khan Al-Asal.
- Humus(Homs) : Halid b. Velid camisinin bombardımandandan sonraki hali. / Shelling at Khaled Bin Al-Waleed Mosque in Homs.
- Hama-Sahl al Ghab: Meshik kontrol noktasının havaya uçurulması. / Blowing the AL Meshik ckpt.
- Humus-Batı kırsalı (Homs-Western Rif): Nusret cephesine bağlı savaşçılar Talkalakh'ta bir askeri konvoyu vurdu ve bir tank tahrip edildi. / FFs of Jabhat al Nusra making some gains and repel a military convoy destroying tanks at Talkalakh.
- Şam(Sham)-Mouadamiyet: Rejim tarafından öldürülen anne ve iki çocuğu. / Mother and her two children murdered by regime forces.
Aynı video farklı linkler
Same video and two different links
- Humus(Homs)-Zara: Dün verdiğimiz ve 80 civarı rejim haydutunun ve 12 civarı zırhlı araç ve makineli tüfekli pikabın vurulduğu habere ait bir video. / Video about #Zara village mujahideen killed ~80 regime thugs & destroyed ~12 combat vehicles!
- İdlib-An Nahl: lazkiye karayolu üzerindeki kasaba rejim güçlerince işgal ediliyor. Alınan haberlere göre Lazkiye yolunu kesen mücahitlere karşı rejim buraya kuvvet yığarak karşılık verecek. / Assad Forces Invade Rural Village An Nahl. according to info. received regime is planning to deploy forces on this village to attack mujahideen who cut Latakia way in İdlib.
- Şam(Damascus)-Baqeen: Rejimin havan saldırısı sonucu en az üç ölü ve aralarında çocukların da bulunduğu en az 20 yaralı var. Bölgede diğer çatışma alanlarından siviller çoğunlukta ve bugüne kadar rejim saldırısına maruz kalmamıştı. Bombardıman akşam namazı esnasında bir camiinin etrafına yapıldı. / At least three people have been confirmed killed and around 20 wounded, including children, by regime mortar bombardment of the area around a mosque in Baqeen, which was timed to coincide with the Maghreb prayers in the evening. All the victims are civilians. The district, which is currently full of people displaced from other areas by regime bombardment, has seen no military activity to date.
- Şam(Damascus): Bir BMP'ye yapılan atışta üzerindeki şebbiha düşüyor, Al Furqan operasyonu. / Video features shabbiha falling from the soldiar carrier after it was destroyed – AL Furqan Battle.
- Halep kırsalı (Aleppo countryside): PKK aralarındaki anlaşmayı bozup bir miktar mücahidi öldürdü. / PKK kill a number of FFs in Aleppo Rif.
- Humus(Homs)-Khalidiyeh: Aralık 2011'de Humus böyleydi. / This is for all the people who forgot what Homs is about Dec 2011 in al-Khalidiyeh neighborhood (under attack now)
- Şam(Damascus)-Barzeh: Esed'in kardeşi Mahir Esed protestocuların üzerine ateş açıyor. / Brother of backward Stone Age #Assad cult leader shooting people at a protest in Damascus.
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