İki elini de kaybeden mücahit Nadri el Hariri tüfeğini böyle de ateş edebilecek hale getirtmiş
Nadri Al Hariri who lost his two hands during Dara’a fights with regime
forces. He didn’t give up, he asked the blacksmith to adjust his riffle
to enable him to use it and continue the fight.
- Humus(Homs): Kentte vurulan mühimmat deposundaki patlamalara dair 1 saati geçkin video. / 1 hour long clip of yesterdays explosion in #Homs ammo dumps.
- Mücahitlere ulaştırılan mütevazi de olsa teknik malzemeler. / Technical material aid to mujahideen.
- Şam(Damascus): Kent kırsalında Liwa al Islam'a ait zırhlı araç konvoyunun geçişi. / A fearsome-looking Liwa al-Islam convoy in Rif Dimashq: 3 T-72s 3 BMPs and several other armoured vehicles.
- Şam(Damascus): Rejim tankları Qasyoun dağından kenti bombalıyor. / Regime tanks are bombing the city from Qasyoun mountain.
- Humus(Homs)-Dahyat al Waleed: Bir mühimmat deposunda gerçekleşen patlama sonucu 1'ten fazla rejim askeri öldü. / More than 13 regime thugs were killed after a new missile exploded today in a weapons depot.
- Halep(Aleppo)-Maaret al Arteeq: Muhalifler semtin ele geçirilmesi için bir operasyon başlatıldığını duyurdu. Bölgede şiddetli çatışmalar sürüyor. / The Free Syrian Army (#FSA) has announced the start of “Operation Glad Tidings of the Night of Power,” the target being the liberation of the township in its entirety. There are now extremely intense clashes in the area as the operation gets underway.
- Şam(Damascus): Görgü tanıklarının verdiği bilgilere göre rejim tarafından Adra hapishanesinde tutulan mahpuslar düzenli olarak infaz edilerek buldozerlerle Qalamoun-Qutaifah yakınında bulunan 3.Alay civarına gömülüyor. Burada yaklaşık 5.000 kişinin gömülü olduğu söyleniyor. / The Syrian Human Rights League (SHRL) has reported that around 5,000
inmates from the regime’s infamous Adra Prison in the northeast
outskirts of Damascus have been buried in one mass grave in the area
around a regime military base in Al Qutaifah in the Qalamoun region of
Damascus province following summary execution by regime ‘security’
forces . This is one of a number of such mass graves, the group states.
“Based on witness statements and testimonies from detainees,” the
league reported that on a regular basis “hundreds of detainees are
executed while in regime custody, with their bodies disposed of by
burial in mass graves scattered across the area.”
SHRL President, Abdel Karim Rihawi, quoted witnesses and activists’ statements saying that hundreds of detainees imprisoned at state security detention centres had been executed and buried in mass graves, with their families informed of their deaths after the burial and refused any information about the whereabouts of their loved ones’ remains.
“In the vicinity of the Third Division headquarters in Al Qutaifah in the Qalamoun area where they continue the process of bombarding the northern regions [this is a main regime base used for firing ballistic missiles], there is a large concentration camp where detainees are brought from rural areas of Damscus and summarily executed,” the report stated. “Several mass graves are located in the vicinity of the headquarters where mass burials take place on a daily basis using a bulldozer [to excavate the graves and to cover the executed martyrs' bodies after they are thrown in].”
He added, “It is estimated that the number of corpses in one of the mass graves is around 5,000,” adding that it is currently impossible to verify the exact figures since regime military zones are wholly inaccessible to any non-regime personnel.
In the report issued yesterday (Saturday August 3rd), the SHRL also reported that the regime’s political security division in Damascus had secretly transferred dozens of political detainees from Damascus’ notorious Central Prison to an unknown destination, adding that many of the transferred detainees had been hastily convicted of manufactured crimes in kangaroo courts convened solely for the purpose of convicting them, and been sentenced to life imprisonment, often based on ‘confessions’ extracted under torture.
The SHRL expressed grave concern over the fate of the disappeared detainees, urging the regime authorities to provide “immediate disclosure of [the missing detainees'] whereabouts and to enable them to communicate with their families and comply with international law in providing access to legal assistance and the necessary humanitarian help.”
It should be noted that this is not the first such report of the Assad regime using mass graves to dispose of victims, with leaked video footage showing dumper trucks unloading bodies emerging earlier this year.
- Ras el Ayn'da süren çatışmalara dair bir harita. PYD Tal Halaf'ı ISIS'ten almaya uğraşıyor. ISIS ise Ras el Ayn'ı. / Battles for Ras al-Ain (Ayn) and Tall Halaf. Kurdish forces (PYD and local allies) try to take the Tall Halaf town and “Islamic State” of Iraq and Sham (I don’t talk about Nusra here because Jabhat al Nusra in this area is a part now of ISIS) try to join Ras al Ain by the south with dozens of fighters.
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Büyütmek için tıklayınız
- Lazkiye(Latakia): Mücahitler şiddetli çatışmalar sonunda Kafaiea köyünü ele geçirdi. / Mujahideen liberated Kafaiea village from regime forces after fierce clashes.
- Lazkiye(Latakia): Enbata ve Barouda gözlem noktalarının ele geçirilmesi operasyonuna ait video. / Liberation Operation of Enbata and Barouda Observatories.
- Şam(Damascus)-Jobar: Rejim güçlerine ait bir BMP vuruldu ve içindeki tüm personel öldürüldü. / Mujahideen destroyed a BMP armored vehicle killing all soldiers inside during clashes on Jobar front.
- Lazkiye(Latakia):Mücahitler Barouda gözlem noktasını ele geçirdiler. Burada bir tank ganimet alındı. / Muhajideen captured Barouda observatory. A tank is also captured here.
- Lazkiye: Mücahitler Al Hifeh(Haffa olabilir) kenti yakınında bulunan Ashakohi köyünü ele geçirdi. / Mujahideen liberated Ashakohi village located near Alhifeh:(it may be Haffa) city.
- Lazkiye'de son durumu gösteren harita. Mücahitler Lazkiye ile İdlib'i bağlayan yola doğru ilerliyorlar. / Map showing situation in Latakia. Mujahideen are advancing through the way connecting Latakia and İdlib.
Click to enlarge
Büyütmek için tıklayınız
- Lazkiye(Latakia):Mücahitler Talla gözlem noktasını ele geçirdiler. / Muhajideen captured Talla observatory.
Buraya yapılan roketli saldırıdan görüntüler
Scenes from the attack to this point
- Halep(Aleppo): Mücahitler Khan al Asal yakınlarında bir rejim tankını vurdu. / Rebels destroying regime’s tank near Khan Al Asal town.
- Lazkiye(Latakia): Mücahitler yeni ele geçirdikleri Anbata üssünden rejim noktalarını vuruyor. / Revolutionaries shelling regime from the newly liberated Anbata base.
- Lazkiye(Latakia):Mücahitler kent kırsalında rejime ait bir tankı Concours füzesiyle vurdu. / Rebels use a Konkurs (Concours) ATGM to hit an Assad tank in rural Lattakia.
- Lazkiye(Latakia): Mücahitler rejim noktalarını tanklarla vuruyor. / Mujahideen hitting regime positions with tanks.
- Lazkiye(Latakia):Mücahitler ele geçirdikleri bir karakol için şükür secdesi yapıyor. / Rebels with a tank celebrate the capture of a barrier in Lattakia province.
Mücahitler rejim noktalarını vuruyor
Mujahideen hitting regime positions
Mücahitler rejim noktalarını vuruyor
Mujahideen hitting regime positions
- Lazkiye(Latakia): Henüz doğrulanmamış bir habere göre kent kırsalındaki çatışmalarda Esed'in generallerinden Ayman Shokahi öldürüldü. / General Ayman Shokahi from Assad army died in fights in rural side of Latakia Acc. to loyal Alawiite FP pages
Note – Not confirmed
- Halep(Aleppo): Mücahitler Mingh Havaalanına bombardımanı sürdürüyor. / Mujahideen continue bombing Mingh Airport.
- Lazkiye(Latakia): Mücahitler Assitribeh ve Kirbat BAz köylerini ele geçirdi. /FF's liberated Assitribeh and Kirbat Baz villages.
- Şam(Damascus): Muhalif savaşçılar kent kırsalında Jabal Al Shaykh'te bir rejim karakolunu ele geçirdi. / FF's captured a regime post in city countryside in Jabal AlShaykh.
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