- Kimyasal saldırı ile ilgili bir derleme video. / A video compilation about the Chemical Attack.
31 Ağustos 2013 Cumartesi
31 Ağustos / August
30 Ağustos 2013 Cuma
30 Ağustos / August
Dia'a Idress: Anne ve babasıyla birlikte kimyasal saldırıda hayatını kaybetti.
Dia'a Idress died with her/his parents in regime's chemical attack
- Raqqa: Alınan ve tam kesinleşmeyen bir habere göre Tabaqa Havaalanının savunmasında yer alan bir grup asker saf değiştirdi ve havaalanı karargahını bombalıyor. / According to unconfirmed reliable news the battalion that guards the airport defected and is shelling the airport headquarters.
- Şam(Damascus): Kent kırsalında bir grup asker saf değiştirdi ve muhalif güçlere katıldı. / A group of soldiers defected and joined the opposition.
- Şam(Damascus): Seyyida Zeyneb türbesi civarında Nusret Cephesi ve ISIS tarafından düzenlenen bir saldırı. / An attack near Sayyida Zainab by Nusra and ISIS.
- İdlib-Isqat: Alınan haberlere göre rejim bombardımanında şu ana kadar 11 sivil şehit var. / According to news received 11 people martyred since regime bombardment.
- Şam(Damascus)-Doğu(East) Ghouta: Öldürülen rejim askerleri, hizbuşşeytan militanları. / Killed regime soldiers and hezbussatan militants.
- Şam(Damascus)-Douma: Bugün düzenlenen protesto gösterilerinden. / One of protests today.
Halep(Aleppo)-Ferdous street
Halep(Aleppo)-Bustan al Qasr
Halep(Aleppo)-Ferdous street
Halep(Aleppo)-Bustan al Qasr
Şam(Damascus), Erbeen
Şam(Damascus), Meliha
- VİDEO: Keskin nişancı bir şebbihanın yakalanma anı. / Moment of a sniper shabbiha caught by mujahideen.
- ISIS yakaladığı Kürtleri PKK'ya destek vermekten vazgeçmeleri ve tevbe etmeleri karşılığında serbest bırakıyor.
- Bu haberi yaklaşık 10 gün önce vermiştik. Buna dair videolara rastladım. / I added this news about 10 days ago. I came by new videos about this. HABER:
- Quneitra: Dün ele geçirilen Ruwaihineh köyünde 5 Doçka tahrip edildi ve 50 rejim militanı öldürüldü. / In Ruwaihineh village which was captured yesterday mujahideen destroyed 5 Dushkas and killed 50 regime militants.
- Şam(Damascus)-Mouadamiyet: Dünya müdahaleyi tartışadursun. Esad bombardımana devam ediyor. / While world continue thinking to hit Assad or not he keep on killing children.
Rejim bombardımanında hayatını kaybeden küçük çocuk
Mouadamiyet'teki bombardımanda tamamı şehit olan aile, sadece bu küçük yavru hayatta kalmış
The whole family martyred since regime bombardment on the district, only this little angel is alive
Mouadamiyet'teki bombardımanda tamamı şehit olan aile, sadece bu küçük yavru hayatta kalmış
The whole family martyred since regime bombardment on the district, only this little angel is alive
- Şam(Damascus)-Jobar: Mücahitler güney bağlantı yolu kavşağında bir tankı tahrip etti. / Mujahideen destroyed a regime tank on the southern bypass during clashes with regime forces.
- Şam(Damascus)-Dumeir: Burada bulunan kimyasal silah fabrikası ve depolama tesisi. / The chemical weapons factory and storage facility located here.
29 Ağustos 2013 Perşembe
29 Ağustos / August
- Şam(Damascus)-Nabak: Al Jalab kontrol noktası ve askeri güvenlik noktasına yapılan 2 istişhadi saldırı sonucu bir albay ve 130 rejim askeri öldürüldü. Bu haberi dün vermiştim ama detaylara yeni ulaşıldı. / Colonel محمد عباد and 130 elements killed a the result of 2 martyrdom operation at Al Jalab ckpt and miltary security at Nabak. I placed this on yesterday's news but details came today.
- Muhtemelen ISIS tarafından öldürülen 17 PKK'lı. / Video of 17 PKK members killed by most possibly ISIS.
- Şam(Damascus)-Nabk: İmha edilen bir kontrol noktası. / A checkpoint is blown up.
- İdlib-Eriha(Ariha): Erbain Dağında bulunan mühimmat deposunda gerçekleşen şiddetli patlama. / Powerful explosion in the ammunition depot in Mount Arbaeen.
- Suweida: Bu buraya dair benim rastladığım ilk saldırı haberi. Muhalif savaşçılar Khalkhaleh Askeri Havalanının subay lojmanlarına havan saldırısı düzenledi. / This is the first news of attack about this location. Opposition fighters attacked officers residentials related to Khalkhaleh Military Airport with mortars.
- Batı'nın saldırı ihtimali güçlendikçe rejim kendi asker ve militanlarını koruyucu önlemler alıyor. Askeri personel üsleri boşaltıyor ve okul ve üniversite binaları gibi mekanlara taşınıyor. İstihbarat karargahı ve komuta kademesine ait mahallerin boşaltıldığına dair haberler var.
Alınan haberlere göre Humus'taki Baas üniversitesi, Şam'ın banliyöleri al Barameka ve
al Tijara gibi semtlerdeki okullar askeri üse çevrildi.
Rejim bunu uluslararası Hukuka göre okullar ve sivil kurumların vurulması yasak olduğu için
yapıyor. Hatta alınan haberlere göre rejim tutukluları tutuldukları askeri üslerde
bulunan hücrelerinde başıboş bıraktı.
Esad güçleri tarafından sivillerin kalkan olarak kullanılması alışılmış bir durum.
While the alleged US strike is getting closer the Assad regime is looking for escape for its
soldiers, the suitable shelter is schools and universities according to activists and eye
witnesses. Previous reports reported taht Assad had evacuated the Intelligence
Headquarters and chief of staff, even rumors said that Assad himself in Iran.
Activists said that al Baath University in Homs turned into a military base now after
evacuating the War College as well as schools in Damascus suburbs like al Barameka
and al Tijara.
Analysts attributed that because bombing the schools and civil institutions are
internationally prohibited. Even more the regime left the detainees alone in their
cells and chambers, activists said.
- İngiltere: Parlamentonun alt kanadı Avam Kamarası, "Suriye'ye askeri müdahaleyi de kapsayabilecek güçlü bir insani tepkinin verilmesi gerektiği" yönündeki hükümet önergesini, 272'ye karşı 285 oyla reddetti. / The British House of Commons voted against the government's motion on the principle of UK military intervention in Syria. The final tally was 285 against and 272 for.
- Rejimin attığı yangın bombalarından etkilenenleri gösteren BBC ekibinin de kayda aldığı haber. / A BBC team inside Syria filming for Panorama has witnessed the aftermath of a fresh horrific incident - an incendiary bomb dropped onto a school in the north of the country - which has left scores of children with napalm like burns on their bodies.
- İdlib-Eriha: Süregelen hava bombardımanı sebebiyle halk bölgeyi terk ediyor. / The people leave Ariha because of continuous aerial shelling.
- Lazkiye(Latakia): Muhalif savaşçılar tankla Kürd Dağlarında bulunan Nebi Yunus(as) zirvesindeki rejim pozisyonlarını vuruyor. / Opposition fighters are hitting regime posisitions located on Nabi Yunus(as) summit.
- Daraa: Muhalif savaşçılar HJ8 füzesiyle rejim tankını vuruyor. / Opposition fighters hitting a regime tank with HJ8 missile.
- VİDEO: Rejim safında savaşan İranlılara ait olduğu iddia edilen nadir görüntülerden. / Rare footage claimed to be of Iranians fighting for regime .
- Halep(Aleppo): Son veda. / The last farewell.
- Daraa-Herak: Muhalif savaşçılar 12.Tugayda bulunan bir tankı vurdu. / Opposition fighters hit a regime tank in 12.Brigade.
28 Ağustos 2013 Çarşamba
28 Ağustos / August
Kimyasal saldırıdan sonra oğlunu sağ bulan babanın sevinci / A Syrian father reunites with his son after he thought his son had passed during the chemical attack / После химической атаки: отец, потеряв надежду найти своего ребенка находит его.
Bunlar ise kaçamayan çocuklardan bir örnek_Muhtemelen üst katlara çıkmaya çalışırken ölmüşler
These are some children who were unable to escape the chemical attack_Possibly they died while trying to escape by running upstairs
- Şam(Damascus)-Jobar: Vurulan bir başka rejim tankı. / Just another tank hit.
Tankın ilk vurulması
First time hit
Geri kaçarken tekrar vuruluyor
Hit again while running back
Muhtemelen aynı tank yanarken
Possibly the same tank while burning
Muhtemelen aynı tank yanarken
Possibly the same tank while burning
- Şam(Damascus)-Jobar: Vurulan bir rejim tankı daha. / Another regime tank hit.
- Şam(Damascus)-Qaboun: Harun Reşid Tugayının rejim güçlerine bir operasyonu. / An operation of Harun ar Rasheed Brigade to stop regime forces.
- Şam(Damascus)-Jobar: Rejim askerlerine ait cesetler. / Bodies of killed regime soldiers.
Mustafa Habib Tugayı ve Harun er Reşid Tugayı tarafından yapılan saldırı sonucu
After an attack of Mustafa Habib Brigade and Harun ar Rasheed Brigade
- Şam(Damascus)-Qalamoun: Mücahitler havanlarla rejim hedeflerine saldırı düzenliyor. / Mujahideen attacking regime forces with mortars.
- Deyr ez Zur: Mücahitler rejim güçlerinin bulunduğu tepelik alanda bir hedefi vuruyor. Video açıklamasında tank deniyor. / FSA Targets Regime Armored Vehicle on hilltop.
- Daraa-Inkhil: Rejim subaylarına ait bir aracın vurulması. / An officer vehicle destroyed at Daraa – Enkhel.
- Şam(Damascus): Mücahitlerin tanklarla mücadelesi. / Fight between mujahideen and regime tanks. 22.08.2013
- Lübnan(Lebanon): Çoğu şebbihaların ailelerinden oluşan 10 binden fazla mülteci Lübnan'a geçti. / More than 10000 refugees from the coast have entered Lebanon at Al Arida and AL Masnaa crossings. Most of them are shabbiha families.
- Halep(Aleppo)-Khanaser: Mücahitler Dreyham kontrol noktasını ele geçirdi. / Mujahideen liberated Dreyham ckp.
- Şam(Damascus): Mazzeh havaalanı hapishanesinde şu an aralarında 19 hava kuvvetleri albayının da bulunduğu 10 binden fazla tutuklu var. / There are more than 10000 prisonners at Mazzeh airport among them 19 AF colonels.
- Şam(Damascus)-Barzeh: Öldürülen şebbihalar. / Killed shabbihas.
- Daraa-al Balad: Badou bölgesinin ele geçirilmesiyle ilgili video rapor. / A statement about liberation of Badou district.
- Daraa-Nawa: Mücahitler bir BMP'yi vurdu. / Rebels destroyed a BMP.
- Halep(Aleppo)-Aandan: Yaralıların tedavisi. / Treatment of wounded.
- Halep(Aleppo): Kweyres Havaalanında subay lojmanları yanıyor. / Officers' housings are burning in Kweyres Airport.
- Daraa-Izraa: Mücahitler rejime ait tankı vuruyor. / Mujahideen hitting a regime tank with an ATGM.
- VİDEO: Görüntüler muhtemelen rejimin kimyasal silahlarına ait. / The video possibly belongs to regime's chemical weapons. /
- Şam(Damascus)-Zamalka: Vurulan bir rejim tankı. Bacağı kopan tank sürücüsü ölümden kaçamıyor. Onun için üzülmeden önce kimyasal saldırıda yere dizilmiş cansız çocuk bedenlerini bir düşünün. / A regime tank hit. Tank driver whose leg amputed cannot run away from death. Before feeling sorry for him just remember the piled bodies of dead children after chemical attack. / Танк режима подбит. У водителя танка ампутирована нога, поэтому он не может убежать от смерти. Прежде чем почувствовать жалость к нему, вспомните груды убитых детей после химической атаки.
- Şam(Damascus): İçindekilerle birlikte yanan rejim tankı. Kimyasal silah kullanılan bölge civarı. / Regime tank burning with the crew inside. Location is in the circle of chemical attack. / Горит танк властей с экипажем внутри. Место - в районе хим. атаки.
- Şam(Damascus): Kent ölümü bekleyerek uyuyor. Dün gece 4.Tugaydan yapılan hayasız bombardıman. / City is sleeping with death./ Город спит в ожидании смерти
- İdlib: Kentin doğu girişindeki Al Mekan kontrol noktası imha edildi. / Al Mekan checkpoint in east entrance of city is destroyed. / У восточного входа в город разрушен контрольно-пропускной пункт Аль-Мекан
- Şam(Damascus)-Jobar: Rejim burada tekrar kimyasal silah kullandı. Siviller arasında can kaybı olduğu bildiriliyor. / Regime used chemical weapons again in this district. There are reports of civilian casualties./Снова режим использовал хим. оружие в этом районе. Есть сообщения о жертвах среди мирного населения
- Şam(Damascus)-Zamalka: Bir T72 tankı ve 1 BMP tahrip edildi. / 1 T72 tank and a BMP is hit by mujahideen./ Муджахиды подбили Танк 1 T72 и БМП
- Daraa-al Harra: Bir kısım rejim askeri saf değiştirdi. Saf değiştiren askerlerle rejim güçleri arasında rejim bombardımanı eşliğinde çatışmalar yaşandı. / A number of regime soldiers have defected from regime forces, and fierce clashes between the defected soldiers and regime soldiers have occurred amid regime shelling on the outskirts of the city. / Несколько солдат режима перешли на сторону повстанцев, возникли ожесточенные бои между солдатами режима и солдатами, перешедшими на сторону повстанцев. На окраинах города солдаты правительственной армии оказались под обстрелом самого режима.
27 Ağustos 2013 Salı
27 Ağustos / August
Güncelleme sürüyor...
- Halep(Aleppo)-Khanasser: Mücahitler ele geçirdikleri silah ve mühimmatı taşıyor. / Mujahideen transferring the ammunition and weapons they seized here.
- Halep(Aleppo)- Ashrafiyeh : Aşağıdaki habere düzeltme. Videodaki küçük çocuk başından aldığı şarapnel yarası sebebiyle kısa süre önce ölmüş. Bu çocuğun babası olsanız hangi barış planını kabul edersiniz. / Correction to the video below. The infant in the video died a short while ago because of a sharapnel hit on his head. If you are the father of this small boy which peace plan would you accept.
- Şam(Damascus)-Mouadamiyeh: Çatışmalarda 9 rejim askeri öldürüldü. / 9 regime soldiers are killed in clashes.
- Hama: Muhalif savaşçılar Mharde barajının kuzeyinde bulunan Zlaqeyat kontrol noktasında 1 Shilka'yı vurdu ve 3 rejim askerini öldürdü. / Opposition fighters hit one shilka and killed 3 regime soldiers at Zlaqeyat checkpoint stationed in north of Mharde Dam.
- Humus(Homs): Ahrar as Sham şebbihaların üslendiği Um el-Ahmed köyüne Grad füzeleri fırlatıyor. / Harakat Ahrar al-Sham launching Grad rockets at “shabiha” stationed in the village of Um al-Ahmd. / Ахрар аль-Шам запускает ракеты Град в "шабиху" дислоцированных в деревни Ум аль-Aхмд
- Halep(Aleppo)- Ashrafiyeh : Rejim saldırısı sonrası yaralanalar. / Graphic images,further evidence of Assad regime crimes against humanity. / Еще одно доказательство преступлений Ассада против человечества.
- Halep: Mücahitler Souiqia ve Halep kalesi civarında yaptıkları operasyonda 20'den fazla rejim askerini öldürdü ve bir miktar rejim askerini yaraladı. / Mujahideen was able to kill more than 20 of regime's soldiers and wounded several in qualitative operation in Souiqa neighborhood and Aleppo citadel area. /
- Halep(Aleppo)-Khanaser: Muhalif savaşçılar kasabayı ele geçirdiler. Burada 4 tank, 1 Gvozdika, 2 Doçka, uçaksavarlar, 500 adet Metis füzesi ve bir mühimmat deposu ele geçirildi. / Opposition fighters were able to liberate the town in defence factories road to Hama and took 4 tanks, 1 Gvozdika, 2 dushka heavy machine guns, anti aircraft guns, 500 pcs. Metis rockets and an ammunition depot which has small weapons ammunition, doshka and RPG launchers as spoils.
- 27 Ağustos itibariyle Şam Durum Haritası aşağıdadır. Yeşil bölgeler muhalif hakimiyetini, kırmızı bölgeler ise rejim hakimiyetini gösterir. Kırmızı bölgelerin bazılarında muhalifler mevcut olup rejim güçleriyle çatışmaktadır. / Updated Damascus Situation Map is added below. Green areas show opposition, red areas show regime held areas. Opposition fighters are also fighting in some red areas.
Click to enlarge
Büyütmek için tıklayınız
- Şam(damascus)-Khan as Sheikh: 68.Tugayın girişinde havaya uçurulan tank. / Tank hit in entrance of Brigade 68.
26 Ağustos 2013 Pazartesi
26 Ağustos / August
Babaları Muhammed Naddaf ile beraber rejimin kimyasal gaz saldırısında hayatlarını kaybettiler
They lost their lives after regime's chemical attack with their father Muhammad Naddaf
Shadi Naddaf 7 yaş, Judy Naddaf 4 yaş, Baraa Naddaf 1 yaşındaydı
- Humus(Homs)-Palmyra: Mücahitler kentin girişinde 8 rejim askerini öldürdü ve 1 tankı vurdu. / Mujahideen killed 8 regime soldiers and hit a tank at the entrance of the city.
- İdlib-Eriha(Ariha): Alınan haberlere göre mücahitler buranın kontrolünü tamamen ele geçirdi. / According to news received mujahideen took control of Ariha.
- Halep(Aleppo)-Al Firdeous: Semte yapılan rejim bombardımanında onlarca sivil hayatını kaybetti. / Dozens of civilians lost their lives after regime bombardment.
- Şam(Damascus): Rejim bombardımanında hayatını kaybeden ikisi çocuk yaşta 3 kişi. Görüntüler biraz kötü. / Two boys and a man who died in regime attack. Bad scenes.
- Halep-Khanasser:Bölgede mücahitler yolu kontrol altında tutuyor. / In the region mujahideen of Liwa Tawheed are controlling the road.
- Halep-Khanasser: Bölgede vurulan rejim tankı. / Regime tank hit with an ATGM.
- Halep-في بلدة اورم الكبرى:(Sanırım Khan al Asal'ın hemen yanı) Rejimin yangın bombası ile saldırısının kurbanı siviller. / Victims of regimes air attack with incendiary bomb.(Location is I guess just near Khan al Asal)
Saldırıdan canlı kurtulamayanlar / People who couldnt survive this attack
- Şam(Damascus): Kent kırsalında vurulan bir rejim tankı. / A regime tank hit by HJ8 missile in city countryside.
- Şam(Damascus): Zamalka'da vurulan BMP. / BMP hit by mujahideen in Zamalka.
- Halep(Aleppo): Rejim keskin nişancıları tarafından vurulan yaşlı adam ve kadın. / An old man and a woman lying on the street who is shot by regime snipers.
- Halep(Aleppo): Kentte vurulan rejime ait tank. / A regime tank hit in the city.
- İdlib-Eriha: Alınan haberlere göre rejimin dünkü vahşi ve yoğun saldırısında çoğu sivil 200 kişi hayatını kaybetti. Enkaz altından çıkanlar sebebiyle ölü sayısı artacak. / According to news received mostly civilians 200 people martyred yesterdays ferocious regime attacks from air and land. Number of casualties to be increased since there is still people under the rubbles of buildings.
- BM'nin kimyasal inceleme ekibinin bölgeden acilen ayrılmasını istediğine dair haberler var. Bunun sebebi olarak ta ABD'nin düzenleyeceği füze saldırıları olacak. ABD savaşın seyrini değiştirmeyecek bir saldırı yapacak. Mesela hava savunma sistemleri, Esad'ın yokluğu garanti edilerek Başkanlık Sarayı, muhtemelen kimyasal silahla ilgili tesisler vb. mevkiler vurulacak. Ardından İslami grupların eğitim kampları, komutanları vb. hedefler vurulacak. Sayın okuyucular bu gibi saldırıları bugün yarın olmasa da bekleyin. Büyük ihtimalle muhalif güçler ABD ve müttefiklerinin saldırısına uğrayacak bir gün. Bölgede yükselen İslami yapılı silahlı direniş gruplarına hiçkimse müsaade etmek istemez. Benim temennim Türkiye'nin bunları alenen olmasa da desteklemesi ve diyaloğu koparmamasıdır. Uzun vadede her iki taraf için bunun daha olumlu olduğu kanaatindeyim.
- Rejimin kendi yanlısı bir bölgeye kendi üzerindeki şüpheleri gidermek ve muhalifleri suçlamak için bir kimyasal saldırı düzenleyebileceğine dair haberler var. / According to credible reports from regime insiders, the regime is planning a chemical weapons strike against a so far unnamed regime-loyalist area in near future in order to distract attention from its chemical attacks in East Ghouta last wednesday and to attempt to pin it on opposition forces.
Bir video / A video
A video compiled showing murders of Assad regime. It is with English subtitles.....
Hala Esad'ı destekleyip te bir gram şerefi olanlara... diyerek başlıyor video ve rejim tarafından kadın çocuk demeden katledilenlerin bir kısmından derlenen görüntülerle devam ediyor.
Allahsızlar kimyasalları muhalifler attı diyorlar.
Bu Allahsızların Türkiye şubeleri ise bunu ya görmüyor yada perdelemeye çalışıyor. Daha yeni konuştuğum içlerinden biri savunacak birşey kalmayınca bunu yapmalarının normal olduğunu utanmadan söyleyebiliyor. Bir insan küfre, inkara şartlanmışsa ayı ikiye bile yarsanız gözü önünde size inanmaz. Kafirler veli edinilirse müslümanların başına ne geleceği de alenen ortada. Kimyasal silah var, kullanabilir bahanesiyle bir ülkeyi işgal edip 1 milyon müslümanın kanına girenden medet umacak halde zavallı, aciz müslümanlar. Allah bizleri, memleketimizi bu durumlarla imtihan etmesin.
25 Ağustos 2013 Pazar
25 Ağustos / August

Kimyasal saldırıda evladını kurtarmakta ısrar edince evladıyla beraber şehit (inş.) olan baba
Father who insisted to save his daughter also became shaheed insh. with her
- Halep(Aleppo): Mingh Havaalanı ele geçirildikten sonra buradan Nubl ve Zahra kasabaları kuşatmasına destek için ilerleyen ve çoğunluğu ISIS mensuplarından oluşan konvoy. / After liberating Menegh airbase, long convoy of rebels (mostly from ISIS) went toward Nubol & Zahra Shiite cities
- Şam(Damascus): ÖSO tarafından Jobar'a takviye olarak gönderilen Mughawir Tugayı güçlerine ait konvoy. / FSA Brigade Mughawir Forces sent reinforcements into Jobar district in central Damascus.
- Daraa: Ahrar as Sham'a bağlı savaşçılar 23 mm. topun bulunduğu mevziyi tam isabetle vuruyor. /
- Şam(Damascus)-Doğu Ghouta: Bölgeye girmeye çalışırken vurulan tank. / Burning T-72 tank which had been trying to break into Eastern Ghouta.
- Halep(Aleppo)-Safira: Qobtain köyünde öldürülen rejim askerleri ve şebbihalar. Bu köy geçen hafta ele geçirildi. / Bodies of Assad soldiers in the liberated village of al-Qubtain near Safira in Aleppo province.
- Alınan haberlere göre bir iki gün önce ülkenin kuzeyindeki muhaliflere dışarıdan yüklü miktarda (yaklaşık 400 tonluk) askeri yardım geçişi oldu. Bu tek seferde yapılan en büyük yardım miktarı muhtemelen.
- Lazkiye(Latakia): Mücahitlere ait tank Nebi Yunus(as) zirvesindeki rejim noktalarını vuruyor. / Rebel tank shells regime positions near Tel Nabi Younis in rural Latakia.
- Lazkiye(Latakia): Ahrar as Sham'ı BM21 Grad'ı kullanırken görülebilecek nadir videolardan biri. Bu silah bilindiği kadarıyla sadece Ahrar'da var. / Rare footage of Ahrar al-Sham using a BM-21 Grad in the Latakia region. Ahrar is the only known group employing this launcher.
- Hama: Kentin belediye başkanı bombalı araçla düzenlenen saldırıda öldürüldü. / Hama’s mayor is killed after a car bomb blast in al-Jrajma neighborhood
- Hama: Concours füzesiyle vurulan rejim tankı ve kontrol noktası. / Destroying a Tank and Regime’s Headquarter in Hama.
- İdlib-Eriha(Ariha): Bugün karadan yapılan yoğun bombardımanla beraber yapılan yaklaşık 50 hava saldırısından sonra kentteki tahribatı tarif etmek mümkün değil. Ölü sayısı tam olarak bilinmiyor. Tamamı enkaz altında kalan aileler var. / The scale of the devastation in Ariha is impossible to describe, with Assad’s warplanes reportedly carrying out more than 50 air raids today, while ground forces have shelled the town mercilessly. Much of Ariha is now reduced to rubble, with the number of dead unknown as many residents, including whole families, are buried beneath the ruins of their homes.
- Şam(Damascus)-Jobar: Şiddetli çatışmalar devam ediyor. Mücahitler yeni binaların kontrolünü ele geçirdi. / Fierce clashes at jobar and FFs control new buildings.
Qaboun'da rejim noktalarına yapılan saldırılardan
Al Qabun, FFs targets shabbiha enclaves
24 Ağustos 2013 Cumartesi
24 Ağustos / August
- Humus: Hizbuşşeytan mensubu 11 militan öldürüldü. / 11 members of Hizbussatan militia are killed by mujahideen.
- Daraa-Al Balad: Mücahitler bölgedeki kontrol noktalarını ele geçirdikten sonra Albado semtini ele geçirdi. / Mujahideen took control of Albado district after capturing all checkpoints in the district.
- Nusret Cephesi lideri Ebu Muhammed el Culani "Göze göz" isimli yeni bir ses kaydı yayınladı. Bu kayıtta yapılan her kimyasal saldırı için bir Nusayri köyüne saldırılacağını söyledi. / 1.IMPORTANT: Jabhat al-Nusra leader Abu Mohammed al-Golani has issued a new audio statement, entitled ‘An Eye for an Eye’
2.Golani launches new military op in which 1 Alawite village will be attacked in revenge for each chemical rocket.
- Şam(Damascus)-Jobar: ALLAHU EKBER! 3 tank ve 1 Doçkalı araçlık konvoyla mürettebatı saf değiştirerek mücahitlere katıldı. / 3 tanks of a convoy, have defected with their crews and a Doshka vehicle.
- Şam(Damascus)-Zamalka: Şebbihaların bulunduğu eve yapılan saldırı. 3.dk.dan sonra video tekrarlıyor. / Mujahideen attacking shabbiha enclaves. After 3rd. min. video repeats.
- Halep-Safira: Liwa Ansar al Hilafa bir askeri pozisyonu ele geçiriyor. / Liwa Ansar al-Khilafa assaulting & seizing military position near Al-Safira.
- Nusret ve ISIS'ın bir köyü ele geçirmesine dair video. Muhtemelen birkaç haftalık ve büyük ihtimalle Lazkiye'den. / A video while Nusra and ISIS are taking over a village. Possibly a few weeks ago and most possibly in Latakia.
- Halep(Aleppo)-Safira: Junaid köyünde aralarında 3 aylık bir bebeğin de bulunduğu 9 kişinin ölüdürüldüğü ve yakıldığı katliamın görüntüleri. / Regime forces massacred 9 people including a 3 months old baby in village of Junaid.
- Şam(Damascus): Mücahitler kimyasal saldırı esnasında rejimin ele geçirdiği binaları geri aldı ve yeni binalar ele geçirdi. / Mujahideen have retaken the areas the security have advanced during the CW massacre, and they have controlled new buildings.
- Halep-Safira: Haqla köyünün ele geçirilmesine dair video. / Video about liberation of Haqla village.
- İdlib: Rejimin hava saldırısı Suqur al Sham savaşçılarını tam üstlerinden vuruyor. / Air strike hit Suqur al Sham fighters exactly.
- Suriye rejiminin yapılanmasını gösteren çizelgeye ait link. (pdf dosyası) / Link showing managerial structure about business which is directly connected to rgime.
- Taktik Durum Lazkiye bölümüne ekleme yapılmıştır. / New update added to Tactical Situation section about Latakia.
- Lazkiye(Latakia): Nebi Yunus zirvesinde bir rejim tankı vuruldu. / A regime tank is liberated in Nabi Younus summit.
- İdlib-Eriha: Mücahitler kentin güney ve batı girişindeki kontrol noktalarını ele geçirdi. Burada bulunan tüm silah ve mühimmat ganimet olarak alındı. / Mujahideen liberated regime checkpoints stationed at the south and west entrances of the city. All weapons and ammunition seized.
- Liwa el Tewhid komutanlarından Muhammed Lattouf Kobani(Ayn al Arab)'da yapılan anlaşmayla PYD tarafından serbest bırakıldı.
- Halep: Rejim güçleri mücahitlerin saldırısı altından Khanaser'den çekildi. / Regime forces withdrawn from Khanaser under Mujahideen's fire.
- İdlib-Eriha: Mücahitler Ashaq kontrol noktasını ele geçirdi. / Mujahideen captured Ashaq checkpoint.
23 Ağustos 2013 Cuma
23 Ağustos / August
- Halep(Aleppo)-Sahl al Ghab: Abu Rahmun kontrol noktasına Nusret Cephesi tarafından yapılan istişhadi saldırı. / Carbomb at Abu Rahmun ckpt at Sahl Al Ghab in Aleppo by Jabhat al Nusra.
- Halep(Aleppo): Ahrar as Sham'a bağlı mücahitler Kent kırsalında bulunan Hajjara Hava Savunma Üssünü ele geçirdi. / Harakat Ahrar al-Sham have seized an air defence base in Rif Aleppo, Hujaira
Ele geçirilen mühimmat
The ammunition captured
- Halep(Aleppo)-Safira: Mücahitler rejime ait bir kampı vuruyor. / Mujahideen destroy Assads military camp in As Safirah.
- Şam(Damascus): Mücahitler kent kırsalındaki Zamaniya kasabası ve burada bulunan tüm askeri noktaları ele geçirdi. 12 rejim askeri öldürüldü. / Damascus Rif, mujahideen control Zamaniya and all the military spots, killing 12 of Regime’s forces.
- Halep: Kent kırsalında kimyasal saldırıda öldürülen çocuklara adanan Madajen mevkiinde düzenlenen operasyonunda aralarında 15 Ebu Fadl Al Abbas militanı ve komutanları İsmail Taqui Haydari'nin de bulunduğu 50 rejim askeri öldürüldü. / Video of the Madajen battle in Aleppo Rif dedicated to the Al Ghota children. More than 50 regime soldiars were killed among them 15 of Abu Fadl Al Abbas and their commander Ismail Taqui Haydari.
- Şam(Damascus): Kimyasal saldırı kurbanları arasında iki kızını bulan baba. / Father found the bodies of his two daughters between the bodies of the Chemical_Massacre victims.
Saldırıda ailesini kaybeden çocuk
Child who lost his family in chemical attack
Saldırıda ailesini kaybeden çocuk
Child who lost his family in chemical attack
- Halep(Aleppo):Mücahitler Zahra ve Nubl kasabalarını vurmaya devam ediyor. Burada tahminen 1500 civarı Hizbuşşeytan mensubu üslenmiş durumda. / Mujahideen continue hitting Zahra and Nubl. About 1500 Hizbusshaitan militants are believed to be stationed here.
- Lübnan(Lebanon)-Tripoli: Kentte bulunan Taqwa camisine yapılan bombalı saldırıda şu an itibariyle 17 ölü 70 yaralı var. / 17 dead 70 wounded for now after bombing attack at Taqwa mosque in Tripoli.
- Şam(Damascus): Rejim hedeflerine yapılan bir başka saldırı. Mahal eklenecek. / Another attack on regime positions. Location to be added.
- Şam(Damascus)-Kafar Souseh: Mücahitler rejim pozisyonlarını vuruyor. / Mujahideen hitting regime positions.
- Şam(Damascus): Mücahitler Jaramana ve 8 Mart Kulesi civarındaki rejim hedeflerini havanla vuruyor. / Mujahideen hitting regime positions at Jaramana and 8 March Tower with mortar.
- Halep-Safira: Mücahitler Haqle köyü yakınlarındaki rejim kontrol noktasında 8 rejim askerini öldürdü. / Mujahideen killed 8 regime soldiers in a checkpoint close to Haqle village.
22 Ağustos 2013 Perşembe
Opposition Advance in Damascus (Major Update Added)
I was keeping this article since I wanted to publish it with its Turkish translation. It was worth to read. But I just wanted to put here after yesterday's heinous chemical attack which killed more than thousand people. I want you to think about the reason of massacre after reading the article again. The clash lines in these areas are the borders of chemically attacked districts with the regime. So the regime attacked a region which it was stuck against the opposition in conventional ways. I put here some part of the article. You can find remaining at below link.
The Opposition Advances in
Aug 9,
2013 - Elizabeth O'Bagy
Despite significant gains in Homs province, Syrian
government forces are struggling against opposition forces on other fronts. In
Damascus, opposition forces have mounted a major offensive, entering many
government-held areas and gaining new ground. Although the government has gone
on the counter-offensive, opposition forces have been able to maintain their
advance and prevented government forces from storming a number of critical
areas in the city. These gains reveal the extent to which the opposition is
able to adapt to changes in the operating environment, and prove that the Syrian
government lacks the capacity to conclusively defeat the insurgency despite
increased assistance from external allies.
The media is focused on the battle for Homs, and
consequently the Syrian government appears strong with current momentum moving
in its favor. The government’s imminent victory at Homs is indeed significant
for efforts to consolidate its primary line of communication from the coastal
region through Homs to Damascus; however, reports of government strength are
misleading as indicators of the overall campaign for Syria. Such reports
overlook critical opposition victories across other fronts. The Syrian
government has had to consolidate resources and reinforcements in Homs
province, and have diverted attention from important opposition activities,
particularly in Damascus. At a time when the opposition is reeling from the
loss of Homs and struggling to counter the impacts of greater Hezbollah and
Iranian support, it has nonetheless made significant gains in Damascus, proving
that the Syrian government lacks the capacity to conclusively defeat its
Beginning on July 24, rebel forces launched a major
offensive in Damascus city. Despite the Syrian government’s continuous
bombardment of Jobar, Barzeh, and Qaboun, rebels managed to push into the Jobar
neighborhood, and from there began a concerted drive into government-held
districts in the city.[1] After major clashes between
government and rebel forces, the opposition took control of the Abbassiyeen
garages, an important government-controlled facility.[2] Continuing their push, rebel
forces then took control of a major electrical facility just south of Ruken
al-Din, and are now laying siege to a large tank park belong to Branch 211 in
southern Qaboun using homemade rockets. In Barzeh, the opposition has also
advanced on regime positions with major clashes occurring near the Military
School and main government managerial buildings.[3] Although clashes are still
ongoing in many of these neighborhoods, the opposition has moved into
government-held territory previously thought to be impenetrable. While the
overall operational value of such victories may be limited, the area has a
large military presence and is symbolically important as it nears the Defense
Ministry and the Officer’s Club.
Click to enlarge
By July 26, the Syrian government increased its
aerial bombardment of the Jobar, Qaboun, and Barzeh neighborhoods in an attempt
to push back the rebel offensive. The next day, government troops conducted a
counter-offensive into Barzeh in an attempt to push back the opposition.
However, rebel forces were able to hold their ground. The regime offensive has
stalled as the opposition has blocked all attempts to storm the neighborhood.[4] Since this time, government
and opposition forces have been engaged in major clashes with significantly
higher numbers of casualties on both sides than is typical for battles in
Damascus.[5] The scale and duration of
fighting in these neighborhoods point to the limited capacity of the
government, security forces especially as it has had to divert reinforcements
to Homs province. This marks the first time that opposition groups have been
able to push into three different government-held areas, achieving significant
gains in each, while simultaneously maintaining its current operations against
major regime targets in the city including Damascus International and Mezze
In order to better organize and coordinate
operations in Jobar, Qaboun, and Barzeh, a number of rebel groups have recently
banded together to create Jabhat Fatah al-‘Asima, or the Front to Open the
Capital.[6] The new front reportedly
comprises 23 different battalions, most notably of which includes the Farouq
al-Sham Battalion and the Habib Moustafa Brigade.[7] Previously, units in these
areas have tended to remain small, having to operate underground and in secrecy
to avoid regime detection. However, emboldened by recent successes, more and
more rebel groups have shown a willingness to coalesce into larger alliances
with the hopes of bringing greater forces to bear and coordinating more
effectively on operations. Commanders have also suggested a need to come
together in order to better allocate resources and distribute recently acquired
weapons to areas where they will have a greater impact.[8] Given that previous attempts
to unite opposition groups in Damascus have largely failed, it remains to be
seen whether this new coalition will have much of an impact. However, the fact
that many of the more powerful groups in Damascus have joined and others,
including Liwa al-Islam, have agreed to work with the front suggests that it
could be an important development in terms of cooperation and coordination
among opposition forces in the south.
At the same time as the opposition has made
significant gains in the Jobar, Qaboun, and Barzeh neighborhoods, rebel forces
led by the Ahrar al-Sham Brigade have continued their campaign against major
infrastructure in the city. On July 25, a major explosion near the Mezze
military prison was following by a rebel attack against the airbase.[9] Although the government was
able to quickly quell the attack, such incidences reveal the extent to which
the opposition is now pressing on key government positions. The Mezze airbase
has been a primary target for the opposition for over a year now, but only
recently have they been able to put significant pressure on regime forces in
the vicinity. In a statement released by Ahrar al-Sham in early August, the
group claims to be at the “doors of Damascus, advancing from eastern Ghouta and
southern Damascus.”[10] While such declarations
evidence more bravado than reality, there is some truth to the statement that
the opposition is advancing on Damascus in ways previously unseen.
Following rebel operations in the area, regime
forces conducted an arrest campaign in Mezze, detaining hundreds of civilians.
Activists working for local coordinating councils and humanitarian-aid based
groups were the primary target of the arrest campaign, and many humanitarian
aid channels have been shut down as a result.[11] In addition to targeting
activists and aid workers, the government has also attempted to shut down aid
distribution networks. On August 7, government forces ambushed an opposition
convoy in Adra, a main supply route between Damascus and the eastern Ghouta neighborhood,
killing over 60 rebel fighters. Although the government reported that the
Jabhat al-Nusra led opposition fighters were on their way to attack a key
checkpoint in Damascus, both activists and fighters have denied the claim,
arguing that the convoy was carrying humanitarian aid to besieged eastern
Ghouta.[12] The government’s targeting of
humanitarian aid channels has had near catastrophic consequences in areas that
rely heavily on aid as food and medical supplies are increasingly rare in
certain districts of the capital. Such actions represent similar government
strategies employed in northern Syria, where the government has targeted civilians
and activists in response to major rebel victories. Regime retaliation against
civilians has been an effective part of the government’s attempts to undermine
the opposition’s support base. However, in Damascus, such strategies seem to
have an inverse effect so far, and they have caused tension and infighting
between government troops forced to carry out such measures.[13]
Particularly in recent operations, opposition
forces have demonstrated an enhanced capacity through the use of better
weaponry. In early August, rebels from Liwa al-Islam, the Mughaweer Battalion,
and the Qalamoun Martyrs Battalion captured an ammunitions depot near the village
of Qaldun in the Qalamoun area.[14] Only days after, units from
these groups were seen effectively using the anti-tank weapons they had
captured. In a video posted online, opposition forces from Liwa Islam and the
First Brigades destroy a column of tanks along the road to the hospital in
Barzeh.[15] Such examples indicate a
growing capacity by the opposition, and reveal how rebel groups are using
government-captured weaponry more effectively. In another video, a unit
associated with Ansar al-Islam is seen effectively using an SA-16 in the Ghouta
region.[16] Advanced weapons also helped
rebel forces take control of the fifth bridge along the road to Damascus
International Airport, and were instrumental in rebel operations against the
Abu Zidan checkpoint along the International Damascus Road in Harasta.[17]
Most significantly, Liwa al-Islam, one of the
largest and most powerful brigades in Damascus and operating within the network
of the Supreme Military Command, has successfully used a 9K33 Osa, or SA-8
Gecko.[18] Liwa al-Islam first captured
two SA-8 units in October 2012 along with at least six missiles.[19] Commanders from the brigade
report working with engineers for over a year to make the system operational,
and report that they have since captured many more missiles from other
government caches.[20] On July 29, videos circulated
showing Liwa al-Islam successfully using the system to shoot down a Syrian Air
force helicopter. At the same time, activists in Damascus reported that two
aircraft had been shot down over Damascus and that since then, less flights had
been seen overhead.[21] Military analysts familiar
with the SA-8 system state that it would be very difficult for the opposition
to get the system operational without the support of outside expertise or the
guidance of a former operator of such a system. Successfully using the system
should be seen as a military achievement, and if replicated, could change the
dynamics of the conflict in the area.
Already, Liwa al-Islam has issued a warning to the
Syrian government, citing that all airplanes flying over eastern Ghouta will be
shot down.[22] The government has long
relied on its air superiority, which remains the key center of gravity for the
regime and has allowed the government to continue repressive operations in
areas that it no longer has reach. If the opposition can successfully begin to
counter the government’s air power, it would quickly change the nature of the
conflict and force the government to adapt its operations in ways that would
likely be much less successful than they have been until this point.
As the opposition advances into new districts in
the capital, tension among government forces have begun to surface. In some
cases, government troops have been deterred by the more abhorrent behavior of
pro-regime militia forces in the area. Reports by activists in Damascus say
that government troops have sometimes been forced to prevent massacres from
taking place by the hands of Iraqi and Lebanese Shia militia groups – begging
the question of how long the regime can retain command and control as it
increasingly relies on irregular forces.[23] In other cases, infighting
has occurred between different government units over operations, particularly
in cases where it has meant aerial bombardment of city centers. In the past,
government troops had negotiated with opposition forces in creating truces that
prevented the aerial bombardment, and thus destruction, of key districts in the
capital.[24] Yet as the opposition has
advanced, more and more of Damascus is being threatened by the government’s
bombardment, causing misgivings among those troops who are not keen to see the
city become a replica of destroyed Aleppo or Homs.[25] While this has not
significantly impacted operations in the city so far, if these trends are
exacerbated, it could spell trouble for the government in the future.
Capitalizing on the government’s victory in Homs,
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has given off the impression of strength. In
one of his rare public visits, Assad toured Darayya, a southwestern suburb of
Damascus and former rebel bastion now largely under control of government
forces. In a speech honoring Army Day, Bashar told the Syrian people that he is
“sure of victory.”[26] And while the western media
seems to have bought the narrative of the government’s continuing strength,
under the surface things are not what they appear in the capital. Through the
successful use of more sophisticated weaponry and enhanced coordination, the
opposition has made unprecedented advances in Damascus and has come closer to
the heart of the capital than ever before. Events in Damascus reveal two important
lessons: first, although the regime has current momentum in Homs , it is far
from being able to conclusively defeat the opposition; second, a limited
enhanced weapon capability has already improved the effectiveness of rebel
forces and helped them coalesce into a more hierarchal command........................http://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/opposition-advances-damascus
Here also I add the key regime military facilites around the chemical attack site:
Click to enlarge
Jomrayah: Key military facility for assad, currently under threat by rebels. Chemical research and development centre with links to Hezbollah and Iranian militay experts. Hit three times by Israeli missile strikes in 2013.
Mazzeh: From the Mazzeh military airport an underground tunnel leads to a chemical storage facility, an underground bunker with thick walls. Nearby a facility which is home to Bashar al Assad's brother Maher, and residences for Iranian and North Korean military experts.
Click to enlarge
Al Tal: The mountainous area between al Tal and the north of Damascus is littered with underground tunnels, bunkers and secret chemical facilities.
Click to enlarge
Al Qutayfah: At the start of the mountainous ridge that overlooks Damascus, includes a base for stores Scud missiles loaded with chemical weapons.
Click to enlarge
Adra: To the north of Adra industrial city, one of Assad's few remaining strongholds in east Damascus, are the Adra chemical sites, including chemical weapons storage facilities and a missile base.
Click to enlarge
Al Dumayr: Located to the east of Al Dumayr military airport, the facility includes a chemical factory as well as weapons storage.
significant gains in Homs province, Syrian government forces are
struggling against opposition forces on other fronts. In Damascus,
opposition forces have mounted a major offensive, entering many
government-held areas and gaining new ground. Although the government
has gone on the counter-offensive, opposition forces have been able to
maintain their advance and prevented government forces from storming a
number of critical areas in the city. These gains reveal the extent to
which the opposition is able to adapt to changes in the operating
environment, and prove that the Syrian government lacks the capacity to
conclusively defeat the insurgency despite increased assistance from
external allies.
The media is focused on the battle for
Homs, and consequently the Syrian government appears strong with current
momentum moving in its favor. The government’s imminent victory at Homs
is indeed significant for efforts to consolidate its primary line of
communication from the coastal region through Homs to Damascus; however,
reports of government strength are misleading as indicators of the
overall campaign for Syria. Such reports overlook critical opposition
victories across other fronts. The Syrian government has had to
consolidate resources and reinforcements in Homs province, and have
diverted attention from important opposition activities, particularly in
Damascus. At a time when the opposition is reeling from the loss of
Homs and struggling to counter the impacts of greater Hezbollah and
Iranian support, it has nonetheless made significant gains in Damascus,
proving that the Syrian government lacks the capacity to conclusively
defeat its insurgency.
Beginning on July 24, rebel forces
launched a major offensive in Damascus city. Despite the Syrian
government’s continuous bombardment of Jobar, Barzeh, and Qaboun, rebels
managed to push into the Jobar neighborhood, and from there began a
concerted drive into government-held districts in the city.[1]
After major clashes between government and rebel forces, the opposition
took control of the Abbassiyeen garages, an important
government-controlled facility.[2]
Continuing their push, rebel forces then took control of a major
electrical facility just south of Ruken al-Din, and are now laying siege
to a large tank park belong to Branch 211 in southern Qaboun using
homemade rockets. In Barzeh, the opposition has also advanced on regime
positions with major clashes occurring near the Military School and main
government managerial buildings.[3]
Although clashes are still ongoing in many of these neighborhoods, the
opposition has moved into government-held territory previously thought
to be impenetrable. While the overall operational value of such
victories may be limited, the area has a large military presence and is
symbolically important as it nears the Defense Ministry and the
Officer’s Club.
- See more at: http://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/opposition-advances-damascus#sthash.jvB1LVlk.dpuf
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