
28 Aralık 2013 Cumartesi

27 December

27 Aralık güncelleme tamam...26 Aralık bir süre sonra devam edecek..
27 dec updates finished and 26th to be completed after a break...

Bir çocuğun aperatifi olabilecek bu yemeği 6 kişi paylaşacak
This 'meal' barely adequate as a starter for a child, is intended to feed six people. The ingredients are: 
A little coriander
Some 'bread' made from lentils
Some corn..

  • Adra: Burada ele geçirilen ganimetler. / Spoils seized in Adra.

  • Lübnan: Saad Hariri'nin danışmanı Şatah ve korumaları düzenlenen bir bombalı saldırıda öldürüldü. Olayın baş şüphelileri Suriye rejimi ve Hizbuşşeytan. / A man close to Saad Hariri  Mohamad Chatah assassinated today in Beirut with a bombing attack. Possible perpetrators of this attack are Hezbossatan and Syrian regime while Syrian regime denies responsibility for Chatah’s murder.

  • YPG tarafından yayınlanan ve ISIS karşısında durumlarını gösterdiği iddia edilen durum haritası. / Situation map released by YPG claiming to show their gains against ISIS.

  • Deyr ez Zour: Mücahitler 130mm topla havaalanını vuruyor. / Mujahideen hit the airport with 130 mm. cannon.

  • Şam: Yarmouk mülteci kampında rejimin kurbanları. / Victims of regime in Yarmouk Refugee camp.

  • Deyr ez Zour: Mücahitler Jaffra'yı alıyor. Burası havaalanının hemen yakınında bulunuyor. / Mujahideen storming Jaffra. Here is located near the airport.

  • Hasekeh: Ahrar as Sham bölgede PKK ile olan çatışmalarda ISIS ile koordineli olarak çatışıyor. / Harakat Ahrar ash-Sham currently coordinating with Islamic State Iraq & ash-Sham against YPG in Tel Hamees area, Hasakah province.

  • Şam-Qalamoun: Madaya rejim bombardımanı altında. / Madaya is under regime bombardment. 

Bombardıman kurbanı siviller / Civilian victims of bombardment

  • Şam-Qalamoun: Nabk'tan kaçarak Yabroud'a geçmeye çalışan siviller rejim tarafından katledildi. 15'ten fazla sicvil öldü ve 4'tan fazla yaralı var. İngiltere merkezli Rami Abdurrahman adıyla bilinen haber kaynağı şahıs bu sivilleri baskına uğrayan mücahitler olarak duyurarak yanlış bir habere daha imza attı. Bu yaptığı ilk hata(yada saptırma) değil. / A new massacre has been committed by Assad’s forces today against tens of civilians were trying to run out of Nabek and towards Yabroud. So more than 15 civilians were killed and more than 40 one was injured. Then, Assad’s forces shelled confirmed their massacre by shelling the road with cannons and heavy machineguns. /  The following tweets are quite important as they highlight a serious issue in @syriahr’s reporting SOHR as you know is a one man band run by Osama Ali Suleiman who is also known as Rami Abdulrahman. Sham journalist & media activist Tim Qalamouni denies the SOHR claims which the media reported on earlier about the dozens of rebels that have been killed by a Syrian army ambush on Friday morning. Tim claims that this was an ambush in which scores of displaced civilians from Qusayr that have fled to Nabek were in fact ambushed by Hezbollah militias as they were fleeing the town. The massacre didn’t even take place in Maloula like SOHR reported but near the town of Qastal which is far from Maloula. Amongst the scores of dead which SOHR and the state media claimed were islamist rebels were innocent women and children. So where is SOHR obtaining its information from? This is certainly not the first time Rami Abdulrahman has incorrectly reported events.
Yanıltıcı haber BBC'ye de nasıl aksediyor / This is how lies or wrong info. of SOHR appear on BBC

  • Şam: 68.Tugaya yapılan yapılan istişhadi saldırı. / Matryrdom attack on 68.Brigade.

  • Deyr ez Zour-Mohasen: Scud füzesinin bıraktığı krater. / Huge crater left by Scud missile.

  • Daraa-Horan: Rejimin füze saldırısı sonucu yaralanan çocuklar. / Wounded children after regime bombardment.

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