
6 Kasım 2016 Pazar

6 Nov

Güncelleme bitmiştir. Twitter yavaşlığı sebebiyle haberlere ulaşmak zor...
Updates are completed. It is difficult to reach news since slow tweeter and blocked utube accounts.

U tube mücahitlerin videolarını yayınlayan kanalları kapatıp duruyor. Bu tip kanalların ipleri kafirlerin ellerinde olduğu için ancak istedikleri seslere müsaade ediyorlar.
U tube is blocking accounts releaseing mujahideen videos under the guise of including violence while keeping US soldiers violence videos for years.



Rusya terörizmle mücadele adı altında çocuk öldürmeye devam ediyor. Vurulan anaokulunda 5 çocuk öldü. / regime-russian airforce massacres children in Damascus #Syria they call this "fighting terrorism". They hit a kindergarten and killed 5 children. / مقتل خمسة أطفال بقصف قوات النظام لروضة أطفال في حرستا بريف دمشق

Rejimin anaokulu katliamı başka bir katliamın daha yıldönümüne rastladı. 2 yıl önce bugün Qabun semtinde Hayat Okulu'nu vurmuş ve 13 çocuk şehit olmuş ve 25 çocuk ta yaralanmıştı.
Assad regime and allies have committed several massacres in Syria since the beginning of revolution until today, including the massacre in Al Hayat school in Al Qaboun neighborhood in Damascus.
On Wednesday, Nov 5 2014, Assad forces targeted Al Hayat School in Al Qaboun Damascene neighborhood killing more than 13 children and injuring tens others.

UNICEF said, “the attack against the Al Hayat elementary school in Al Qaboun in eastern Damascus is a horrible reminder of the high cost Syrian children are paying in the cruel conflict in Syria.”

Anas, a teacher in the school and an eyewitness of the massacre, describes, “On Nov 5 2014, around 11 am, I was waiting in the school yard, when a missile hit with a blowing sound and couldn’t see it, followed directly with another missile with higher blow, I went in the school and saw children panicked, while teachers started to take some measures for the safety of students, to be soon surprised with a teacher covered with blood, who told me that the missile hit the second side of the school and caused casualties among students as they were in the break. I rushed there to see a big spot of blood but all the victims were taken to the field hospital. In the hospital, I was shocked with the bodies of two students, and in the emergency department mothers were crying and students’ bodies were everywhere, a crisis of 13 killed students and 25 wounded.”

Abu Abbas, head of Al Qaboun media office stated to RFS, “Syrian regime targeted Al Hayat school with mortar rounds from Tishreen military hospital located next to Barzah neighborhood, and that wasn’t the first massacre Assad regime has committed in Al Qaboun, where it targeted a wedding party before and killed more than 10 young men.”

Abu Abbas clarified, “Assad regime continue committing violations in spite of the undeclared truce between Assad regime and opposition factions in the neighborhood.”


Güney cephesinde vurulan Hizb. militanları / Hezb. militants hit in southern front.


Antitank füzesiyle vurulan Iraklı Nuceba militanları. / Mujahideen hit iraqi Nujaba militants using an antitank missile.

AHRARUŞ ŞAM rejimin ana ikmal yolu olan Ithıriye-Hanasır yolunu kestiğini ve bu yolda seyir halinde olan bazı rejim araçlarının vurularak tahrip edildiğini bildirdi.
Bu yol Hama'nın doğu kırsalından geçerek Halep'e ulaşıyor. Rejim bu yolu genellikle yaralanan ve ölen askerlerini Halep'ten Hama'ya ve sahil kentlerine ulaştırmak için kullanıyor.
Ahraruş Şam aynı zamanda ani bir saldırıyla antitank füzeleri ve ağır makineli tüfeklerle Halep'e hareket halinde olan rejim konvoyunu vurarak bazı rejim araçlarını vurdu.
Ithiriye Hanasır'a 52 km mesafede stratejik önemi olan bir kasaba çünkü iki bölgeyi birbirine bağlayan otoyolun üzerinde yer alıyor. Rejim güçleri Uweyne ve Ebu el Karuz köylerinde mevzilenmiş halde iken IŞİD militanları da el Qalea, el Tewbe, Kuweys, Akil, Jibbel Ali, Hanasır ve Zaid köylerinde bulunuyor ve iki taraf ta birbirine saldırmıyor.


Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham announced blocking Ethraya-Khanaser road which is one of the regime’s main supply lines, and targeted several regime vehicles on the same road destroying them.
Ahrar Al-Sham gained control of the road which is the regime’s only land supply line in Aleppo province passing through Hama eastern countryside. The regime used the road for transferring its injured and dead soldiers from Aleppo to Hama and the coastal area.

Ahrar Al-Sham also destroyed several regime vehicles and tanks using anti-armour missiles and heavy machine guns during a surprise attack against regime forces as their convoys were moving from Hama countryside towards Aleppo.

Ethraya village that is 52km from Khanaser is regarded as a strategic area as it is located on the main highway linking both areas together. Regime forces are positioned along the road in the villages of Uweinah and Abu Al-Karouz, while ISIL fighters are positioned in the villages of Al-Qale’a, Al-Toubah, Kuweiss, Akeel, Jibb Al-Ali, Khneser and Zaid, but both parties do not attack each other’s locations.


Hama Operasyon Odasından ÖSO gruplarının duyurusuna göre rejim albayı Ahmed Cemil el Awad Souran cephesinde yapılan bir TOW füzesi saldırısında öldürüldü. Rejim medya siteleri de ölümünü doğruladı.
Rejimin kent kırsalındaki operasyonlarını yöneten Awad 4.Alayın önde gelen saha komutanlarındandı.
FSA factions of Hama operation room announced that “Ahmad Jameel Al Awad”, a colonel from regime army, was killed after he was targeted with a TOW missile along with a group of members on Sauran front in northern Hama countryside, while Assad affiliated media websites announced his death on a front in Hama countryside.

Colonel Al Awad is considered one of the prominent field commanders in the Fourth Division as he commanded regime’s military operations in Hama countryside; he is originally from Al Rabiaa town subordinate to Masyaf area in western Hama countryside.
Al Rabiaa town is also considered one of the important villages allying Assad, being close to the Hama airbase, and having big number of Assad officers and militia members.
In parallel, opposition operation room in northern Hama countryside confirmed targeting another position for Assad forces with mortar rounds which led to death and injury of several regime forces’ members.


Kent merkezi ve civarındaki birçok yerleşim yerinde Cuma akşamında bu yana elektrik kesintileri yaşanıyor. Cuma akşamından bu yana sadece Cumartesi akşamı iki saatliğine elektrik verilebildi. Sebebi ise Maharde Santraline muhaliflerin saldırılarında yakıt tanklarının hasar görmesi.
Lazkiye ve kırsalında rejim subayıları ve üst düzey kişileri  yaşadığı bölgeler dışındaki her yerde elektrik kesintileri gayet alışılagelmiş bir olay.
Electricity blackout continues in the city of Latakia and most of the cities and countryside of Latakia province since Friday evening, following the Syrian resistance targeting the Mahardah power station which provides the province with electricity. You can find details in below link:

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