
13 Haziran 2015 Cumartesi

12-13 June


Rejimin Madaya üzerine varil bombalı saldırısında 7 sivil şehit olurken 20'den fazla sivil ise yaralandı. / 7 civilians killed & over 20 wounded in an Assad barrel bomb attack on Madaya in rural Damascus last night. / مضايا سحب طفلة من تحت الأنقاض لم يتجاوز عمرها الشهرين , خطير

Jobar'da rejim güçlerinden ele geçirilen bir binadan görüntüler / Video from a building liberated from regime forces in Jobar / وكالة قاسيون: ريف دمشق بناء كان يتمركز به قوات النظام تم تحريره من الجيش الحر في خان الشيح

Jobar'da mevzilerden / From Jobar / وكالة قاسيون: دمشق رصد أماكن تمركز قوات النظام على الخط الاول في حي جوبر


Faylaquş Şam Wahşiya köyünde bulunan IŞİD noktalarını hedef alıyor / Faylaq as Sham targeting ISIS positions in Wahshiya village. / #فتح_حلب اا #فيلق_الشام اا استهداف عصابات #داعش بقذائف #الهاون في قرية #الوحشية

Sivil Savunma ekipleri Tel Rifat'ta yanan hububat tarlalarını söndürüyor. / Civil Defence teams extinguish fire in agricultural lands / تل رفعت Tall Refaat || الدفاع المدني يخمد حرائق في الأراضي الزراعية

Ceyşul İslam Albel köyündeki IŞİD militanlarını hedef alıyor. / Jaish al Islam targets ISIS positions in Albel village. / استهداف الخوارج في قرية البل بريف حلب الشمالي بالرشاشات الثقيلة قبيل تحريرها


Fethun Minallah operasyonu kapsamında Hama'nın kuzeyinde hedef alınan ve ele geçirilen rejim noktaları. (Faylaquş Şam) / Regime spots targeted and liberated in Fathun Minallah operation in northern countryside. / فيلق الشام ll ريف حماة الشمالي ll معركة فتح من الله رائع امطار حواجز الاسد بقذائف جهنم في معركبة
فيلق الشام ll ريف حماة الشمالي ll معركة فتح من الله الابطال داخل حاجز مدجنة شجاع بالقرب من معركبة Üstteki videoda ele geçirilen noktanın yeri / Location of barrier liberated in above video

Rejim Morek'te zirai alanları yakıyor. / Regime is burning agricultural lands in Morek / غارة للطيران الحربي تحرق المحاصيل الزراعية بين مورك واللطامنة بريف حماة


Ahrar Jisruş Şuğr'un güneyinde yer alan Kufayr'ı hedef alıyor / Ahrar as Sham is targeting Kufayr village in southern side of Jisr as Sughr. / أحرار الشام | استهداف ميليشيات الأسد في قرية الكفير بريف جسر الشغور بمدافع جهنم والهاون

Ziyarah kasabasında hedef alınan rejim tankı / Mujahideen hit a regime tank in Ziyarah village / لواء صقور الجبل || تدمير دبابة لقوات الاسد في بلدة الزيارة بصاروخ تاو || معركة تحرير سهل الغاب

Bir süre önce Nusra tarafından 40 kadar Dürzi sivilin öldürüldüğüne dair bir haber görmüştüm fakat tam doğrulayamadığım için yayınlamamıştım. Fakat bazı haberlere göre Nusra bir bildiri yayınlayarak  bu saldırıdan dolayı özür diledi ve organizasyonun resmi emirlerine aykırı hareket eden bir grup tarafından bunun işlendiğini belirtti.
Fakat alınan bazı diğer haberlere göre öldürülen sayısı 40 değil ve olaylar Dürzi sivillerden birinin silahlı saldırısı sonrası ölenler olması akabinde Nusra emirinin hatalı davranışları sonucu gerçekleşti.
Nusra emiri görevden alındı. Detaylı İngilizce açıklama aşağıdadır.

 / A while ago I came by news telling that Nusra killed about 40 Dürzi civilians in the area, but I did not publish it since I couldn't confirm it totally. But I see some news telling that Nusra made a statement which "apologizes" for the killing of Druze civilians in Idlib province, blaming individual fighters disregarding the official guidelines from Jabhat an-Nusra's leadership.
Far from all stories told by SOHR and the lebanese newspaper AL Akhbar, this is what happened in details:
A decision was taken by JAN to shelter the displaced families from Jisr Al Shughur in any house which belongs to a loyalist. One local protested and attacked JAN who sent a person to clarify the situation. The Druze who protested killed the envoy and his friends shot several gunshots killing 3 persons, which prompted the local council in the village to call Jaish AL Fath who sent the convoy but Nosra Emir sent another convoy and broke into the village before Jaish Al Fath could take any action.
 Then, Jaish Al Fath arrested the Tunisian leader and transferred him to the court with a dozen of his men in addition, the other party was also arrested. He was replaced by a person from the same area.

Accordig to a Syrian correspondent source, three Nusra fighters, four persons of the Druze community , and six civilians were killed during the clashes. The Tunisian nicknamed the ship is known to be a hardliner and an authoritarian. Many complaints have been filed for several months for his bad behavior but Nusra did not take any action against him until before these 2 days.
It was decided that Nusra will pay all the damages because they are under her ruling, and the killing of the civilians was not deliberate and no responsible on both sides was declared.
Interesting that the event coincided with the attack of the Brigade 52 by the FSA who was advancing to Sweida region. The regime and the loyalist media exploited the event to ignite the sedition and rally the Druze community to their ranks, and SOHR (Syrian Observatory for Human Rights) was quick to give his version of the massacre, which was relayed by most news agencies and satellite channels.
For Arabic version in details :

Mücahitler Cennetul Kura köyünü vuruyor. / Mujahideen targeting Jannat al Qura village. / جيش الفتح ll فيلق الشام ll قذائف الهاون تمطر عصابات الأسد في قرية جنة قرى قبل تحريرها

Nusra rejim Tel Hattab ve El Muşeyrefa'daki rejim pozisyonlarını vuruyor / Jabhat al Nusrah targets SAA positions in Tal Khattab & Al Mushairafa using mortar shells & Jahannam launchers / جبهة النصرة |استهداف نقاط الجيش النصيري في تل خطاب وقرية المشيرفة بقذائف الهاون و قذائف مدفع جهنم

Mücahitler Sahlel Ghab'da bulunan Joreen'deki rejim hedeflerini 130 mm top ile vuruyor / Mujahideen targeting regime forces in Joreen in Sahl al Ghab using 130 mm cannon / أحرار الشام | دك معاقل ميليشيات الأسد في معسكر جورين بسهل الغاب بمدفع 130

Mücahitlerin Furaykah üzerine saldırı hazırlıklarından / Mujahideen prepare for attack on Furaykah / قناة السوري الحر لقاء مع احد مقتحمين الحاجز بي اليات الثقيلة

Nusra tankları Tal Şeyh Hattab'ı vuruyor / Jabhat al Nusra tanks and artillery pounding Tal Sheikh Khattab. / جبهة النصرة | استهداف نقاط الجيش النصيري في تل خطاب بالأسلحة الثقيلة

Ceyşul Feth Cisruş Şuğr kırsalı ve Sahl el Ghab'da rejim güçlerine Furaykah bölgesi özelinde yeni bir saldırı başlattı. / Mujahideen started another attack on regime forces in Jisr as Sughr countryside and Sahl al Ghab centered on Furaykah. / أحرار الشام | بيان بدء معركة السيطرة على آخر نقاط الأسد في ريف جسر الشغور ومراكز أخرى في سهل الغاب



52.Tugayda ele geçirilen tank mühimmatı / Tank ammunition captured in 52.Brigade / لواء الحرمين الشريفين

Babanın şehit olan oğlunun gömülmesi esnasındaki duası / Prayer of a father after his martyred son while being buried / كلمات مؤثرة لوالد يودع ابنه الشهيد قبل دفنه في درعا

Bölgedeki mücahitler tarafından atılan uçaksavar füzesi. Yeni temin mi ganimet mi bilemiyorum. /
FSA in Daraa has MANPADS. Firing from Oumm_Qualad. But I am not sure if they are war spoils from regime or supplied from abroad. / جيش اليرموكـ :: استهداف طائرة حربية فوق أم ولد بصاروخ كوبرا ضمن معركة سحق الطغاة

Mücahitler Zeyzoun'da rejim güçlerini hedef alıyor / Mujahideen targeting regime forces in Zeizoun. / أحرار الشام | استهداف قوات الأسد في قرية الزيادية جنوب محطة زيزون بالرشاشات الثقيلة


Alınan haberlere göre YPG Tal Abyad yakınındaki son kasaba olan Suluq'u ele geçirdi. / According to news YPG captured Suluq which is the last town remaining near Tal Abyad

Tal Abyad'da mahpuslara işkence eden IŞİD militanları / ISIS militants torturing prisoners in Tal Abyad / مقطع مسرب من أحد سجون تنظيم الدولة "داعش" أثناء تعذيب المعتقلين على يد التمساح

Tal Abyad durum haritası / Tal Abyad situation map.

Tal Abyad'da çatışmalardan kaçan mülteciler Türkiye Suriye sınırında sıkışmış durumda. Umarım Tal Abyad'dan yeni bir Kobani daha çıkarmayız. Umarım Devlet bu hususta ustaca hareket eder. /
Refugees stuck on the Syria Turkey border as YPG is at Tell Abyad's eastern gate. / معاناة المدنيين على الشريط الحدودي مع تركيا في تل ابيض

Sınırda Türk askerleri ve IŞİD aynı karede

PKK/YPG Tal Abyad'a ilerlerken onların hava kuvvetleri gibi hareket eden ABD uçakları IŞİD pozisyonlarını vuruyor. / YPG forces move towards TelAbyad, the US air force which is acting as YPG air forces bombs ISIS resistance. / بركان الفرات و التقدم نحو تل ابيض


ÖSO'nun RPG29 eğitimi / FSA workshop in northern Homs- how to use RPG-29. / حركة تحريرحمص الكتيبة التاسعة درس نظري للمقاتلين يدور حول طريقة استخدام القاذف نون 29


Rejim bölgede muhalifler aleyhine duyuruda bulunuyor. / Regime is making announcements against opposition in the region. / بالفيديو عناصر من شبيحة الاسد يجييشون الناس عبر المكبرات في القرى الدرزية ضد الثورة السورية

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