31 Ocak 2014 Cuma
The Dawn of the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham
The article is from side of kuffar but worth to read I think:
by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi
Published on Monday, January 27, 2014
Current Trends in Islamist Ideology, Volume 15
Source link:
In the course of the Syrian Civil War, two major rebel factions have emerged who share al-Qaeda's ideology: Jabhat al-Nusra (JN), which was founded at the beginning of 2012 by Abu Mohammed al-Jowlani, and the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS). In April 2013, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI—the umbrella front for al-Qaeda in Iraq), proposed that JN and ISI merge together. He thus announced the formation of a new Islamist polity, ISIS, which included territories in Iraq and Syria (ash-Sham). Baghdadi argued that Jabhat al-Nusra had been initially set-up with financial support and manpower from the ISI and therefore that the Syria-focused JN was a mere “extension” of the Iraq-based organization. Jowlani, however, rejected Baghdadi’s proposal to combine their efforts on the grounds that he was not consulted. Subsequently, he renewed JN’s bay’ah (pledge of allegiance) to Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of al-Qaeda Central.
In June of 2013, al-Jazeera revealed a leaked letter in which Zawahiri ruled in favor of maintaining a separation between ISI and JN in Iraq and Syria respectively. The network released video footage of Zawahiri reading the letter aloud in November 2013. Many observers interpreted this televised pronouncement from al-Qaeda Central’s leader as a renewal of the call to disband ISIS, although sources within ISIS circles inform me that the video in question had, in fact, been in private circulation among their members for months. In any event, Baghdadi has personally rejected the call to disband ISIS. Similarly, ISIS’s new official spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, a Syrian veteran of the Iraq War, has also rejected the proposal in even more forceful terms, going so far as to accuse Jowlani of “defection” and affirming that ISIS would not accept geographical limitations based on “Sykes-Picot.”
There are variations in the membership composition of both JN and ISIS that are worth noting. Indeed, the differences between the two groups have national as well as ideological dimensions. JN has a greater proportion of native Syrian members in its ranks, while most foreign jihadis fighting in Syria have declared their allegiance to ISIS. The national differences between the two factions are significant; however they must not be exaggerated. Most foreign fighters in Syria are disproportionately represented among ISIS's leadership and elite paramilitary corps. The vast majority of ISIS fighters in the rank and file, however, are Syrian nationals. Therefore, while there is a distinct national difference between the two groups, it is not the most important factor that distinguishes them from each other.
In the first few months after Baghdadi announced the formation of ISIS, its relationship with JN in Syria was not always clear. In March 2013, for example, members of the local JN faction under the leadership of a local commander called Abu Sa’ad al-Hadrami seized the city of Raqqa . The names and banners of JN and ISIS remained interchangeable throughout the city until July 2013. Hadrami had, in fact, pledged allegiance to Baghdadi, but he was not opposed to the presence of the JN. By July of 2013, circumstances had changed: Hadrami reaffirmed his allegiance solely to JN. He cited concerns over ISIS’s conduct in Raqqa and argued that continuing to wage jihad under the name of ISIS constituted disobedience to Zawahiri. Subsequently, he withdrew from Raqqa with his followers to Tabqa, and announced a return to Raqqa in September 2013 under the banner of JN. can continue reading from above link.
30 January
Bugün hepsi rejim bombardımanı sonucu cennete uçtu / Today all raised to Jannah after regime bombardment / Şam-Daraya
Muhtemelen bu çocuklar. Sanırım üstteki eski bir fotoğrafları. / Possibly they are these children I guess above is an old photo of theirs
- ZABADANİ: Şam'ın ilçelerinden biri olan Zabadani 18 aydır yoğun bir rejim bombardımanı ve kuşatması altında. Hiçbir şekilde içeriye gıda, ilaç (çocuklar için bile), yakıt girişine müsaade edilmiyor. Gizlice sokmak isterken yakalananlar öldürülüyor. Rejimin Zabadani çevresinde 200 kontrol noktası var ve buralar hem giriş çıkışı engelliyor hem de burada kapana kısılan halkı sürekli bombalıyor. Gıda stoklarının tükendiği Zabadani'de diğer bölgeler gibi açlık ve ilintili sıkıntıların başlaması da an meselesi. /
- After daily regime aerial and/or ground bombardment for over 18 months, which has destroyed everything and left thousands dead and wounded, along with a crippling siege of th same duration, Zabadani is facing annhilation. The town, where thousands of men, women and children are trapped and starving, is surrounded by more than 200 regime checkpoints, manned by regime troops and foreign mercenaries who dedicate themselves to shelling the town and arbitrarily arresting residents. No supplies of food, medicine (even for children), fuel or any other essentials are allowed in. Today, the town was again subjected to bombardment with TNT-filled barrel bombs by Assad’s warplanes, which in recent days have varied from their customary bombardment of homes to specifically target infrastructure facilities, including the electricity station, communications facilities (mobile masts, telephone exchange) railway station, post office, bank agricultural centre, courts and council offices, as well as mosques, churches and millennia-old irreplaceable historic sites. Since August last year when the final stored reserves of food ran out, the mass starvation among the people has been steadily worsening. Any attempts to smuggle in flour or foodstuffs are met by the execution of those trying to bring them in and the confiscation of the items. May God punish Bashar and those who serve him for their terrible crimes against humanity, in Zabadani and across Syria; they have no mercy, no humanity, not even for children, women, the elderly or for any other human being. Their oppression and injustice are unparallelled and inhuman. We ask you to help us by sharing this appeal on your pages, sharing it with regional and international media and human rights organisations, to help our voices to reach the world.
- Halep: Bugün rejim bombardımanları sonrası şehit sayısı en az 60. / Today number of martyrs after regime bombardment is at least 60.
Location / Yer: Qadi Asker
Maree ailesinden 12 kişi hala enkaz altındaydı / 12 members of Maree family were still under the rubble
- Şam-Daraya: Varil bombası kurbanı bir ailenin cenazelerini enkazdan çıkarma çabaları. / Efforts to retrieve bodies of a barrel bomb victim family.
- Şam-Daraya: Varil bombası kurbanı yaralı küçük çocuk. / Little wounded boy since regime bombardment.
- HOŞ VİDEO: Halep-Maysar: Enkazdan sağ çıkarılan küçük kız. / Little girl saved alive from the rubble.
- VİDEO:Şam-Daraya: Rejim bombardımanından yaralı kurtulan bir sivil yıkıntıların arasında. / A wounded survivor from regime bombardment among the rubble.
- Şam-Qalamoun: Daha önce fotoğrafına burada yer verdiğim yaralı bebek Muhammed Mahmud Hatib 4 gün sonra vefat etmiş. Cherobim Manastırından yapılan rejim bombardımanında kendisiyle beraber 4 çocuk yaralanmış amcası Abdullah al Hatip orada şehit olmuş. / Mohamed Mahmoud Khatib .. I gave his photos a while ago. He died of his injuries four days after the bombing of his home by shabiha in Cherubim Monastery, which led to the death of his uncle Abdullah al-Khatib and wounding four of children including Muhammed.
- Şam-Yarmouk Camp: Sivillere gıda dağıtımı. Rejim buraya gönderilen gıdanın çok az bir kısmına (yüzde biri gibi) müsaade ediyor normalde. Umarım bugün yüksek bir miktar dağıtılmıştır./ Distribution of food to civilians. Regime is letting a very small amount(about %1) of aid to reach this location. I hope today they let a high amount.
- Hama: Mücahitler aralarında Havaalanının da bulunduğu rejim hedeflerini Grad füzeleri ile vuruyor. / Mujahideen hit regime targets including the Airport.
- Şam: Orient TV'nin haberindeki iddiaya göre çatışmaların sürdüğü Daraya yolunda 250 rejim askeri öldürüldü ve rejim bu bölgede anlaşma yapmak istiyor. Gıda karşılığında mücahitlerin yolun ellerinde tuttukları kesiminden çekilmelerini teklif ediyor. Birkaç gün önce rejim burada 120 mücahidi öldürdüğünü iddia etmiş (iran web sitelerinde yer almıştı bu haber) ama bu muhalifler tarafından yayınlanmış ve rakamın 15-20 civarı olduğu belirtilmişti. / Daraa, Orient TV- 250 SAA were killed on the road on Damascus-Daraa road and SAA is asking for a truth (food in exchange of retreating from the part of the road they control). Among them, lebanese militants were killed. Few days ago regime claimed(such news appeared on iranian websites) that they killed 120 mujahideen here but this was denied by opposition sources and clarifed that the number is around 15-20.
- Şam: Kentteki durumu gösterir bir harita. Kırmızı çizgi ile gösterilen sınırlar 10 Eylüldeki hali gösteriyor. / A map showing situation in Damascus. Red lines are the borders of 10th Sep.
- VİDEO-Şam-Daraya: Varil bombasının Rahman Camiini vurma anı. / Moment which barrel bomb is hitting Rahman Mosque.
- VİDEO:Humus: Yaşlı adamın seslenişi. / Call of old man.
- Şam-Jobar: Rejim askerleri gözünden. Buralar yerle yeksan edildi neredeyse. / From the eyes of regime soldiers. They brought down many buildings.
30 Ocak 2014 Perşembe
Hassan Abboud'un IŞİD ile İlgili Beyanatı
Bilgi: Hassan Abboud Ahraruş Şam grubunun lideridir.
Hassan Abboud'un yakın zamanda yaptığı bu beyanatın ingilizce çevirisini buraya ekledim. Türkçe çevirisini yapmaya vaktim yetmediği için içeriğini sizler için de kabaca özetlemek istedim. Çeviriyi Arapçadan İngilizceye çevrilen metninden Türkçeye aktardım. Yani suyunun suyu. Hatalarımızı Allah affetsin.
Son (IŞİD ile diğer muhalif gruplar arasındaki çatışmalar kastediliyor) çatışmalarla ilgili olarak bir beyanat vermeden önce epey sabrederek grupların insafa gelmesini ve hatalarını zamanla düzeltmesini bekledik.
Bugüne kadar IŞİD'den tarafımıza yapılan hatalara karşı sabrettik ve onlardan da aramızda şeriat ile hükmedilmesi hususunu kabul etmelerini istedik. Ebu Ubeyde al Binnishi'nin kaçırılıp öldürülmesi (IHH''ya yardım eden bu mücahit yardım gönüllüleriyle birlikte IŞİD tarafından kaçırılıp öldürüldü. Yardım görevlileri daha sonra salıverildi. Ne kadar doğru bilemem ama Malezya bayrağını ABD bayrağına benzetip Malezyalı yardım görevlileriyle bu mücahidi kaçırmışlar), mücahit kardeşimiz Muhammed Faris'in kafasının kesilmesini (onu da yanlışlıkla Nusayri zannedip kafasını kestiler ve suçluları teslim etmediler), doktor Ebu Rayyan'ın kaçırılıp öldürülmesini (çok iğrenç işkence edilmişti ve bedeni tanınmaz haldeydi) hususlarını da kastederek "bunlara sabrettik ve şeriatla hükmedilmesini kabul etmelerini istedik" diyor.
Bize karşı olaylar silahlı gruplar takviye silahlı güçlerin Atareb ve 46.Alaya ulaşmasına müsaade etmeyince patlak verdi. Bizim amacımız rejim tarafından bombalanan masum sivillerin de ölmemesini sağlamaktı. Biz kim olursa olsun bir bölgede herhangi bir grubun diğerine zulmetmesini engellemeye çalışıyorduk. Ama onlar bizim niyetlerimizi yanlış yorumladılar ve diğer bir müslümana zulmetme endişesi göstermeden karşılık verdiler. Onların davranışları Halep'e ilerleyen mücahitlere bile aynı oldu. IŞİD tarafından esir alındılar ve silahlarına el kondu.Bunun da ötesinde karargahımıza saldırdılar, silahlarımıza el koydular, kendilerine silahla karşı koymayı reddedenleri öldürdüler, aramızdaki anlaşmaları bozdular. Deyr ez Zour, İdlib ve Halep'te kontrol noktalarımız ve karargahlarımıza bombalı araçlarla saldırdılar. Ki bunlar olurken biz onlara mensup olup çatışmalardan kaçıp bize sığınanlara müslüman kanının dökülmesini engellemek için kol kanat geriyorduk.
Ondan sonra çatışmalar hususunda iki arada bir derede kalanları ajite etmek için Şam ehlinin muhacirlere ve hanımlarına kötü muamele ettiğine dair yalanlar uydurdular.
Ki bu yalanlar Şeyh Muhaysini ve Horasanlılar gibi birçok muhacir tarafından yalanlandı. Al Anbari'nin yüzlerce kadın ve çocuğu Ahrar as Sham'ın himayesine bırakması zaten bunu yalanlamaya yeter. Muhacirlerin hayatı ve ailelerinin namusu bizim için çok önemlidir. Onlar bizim kardeşlerimizdir.
Muhacirlere onları yanlış yönlendiren ve müslümanları kolayca tekfir eden liderlerin emirlerine uymalarının hesap gününde açıklayamayacaklarını söylüyor.
Bu saldırıların müslümanlardan bize gelmesi bizi çok üzüyor.
Ayrıca deklare ediyoruz ki biz hatamız bize ispat edilmeden suçlu görülüp saldırıya uğradık. Müslümanlardan yada gayrimüslimlerden hiçbir kimsenin zulme uğramasına müsaade etmeyecek, buna engel olacağız. Bizim ölümümüzün kafirlerin yada zalimlerin elinden olması bizim için fark etmez. Ecrini Allah'tan umarız.
Her türlü saldırı ve arkadan vurmaya rağmen silahlarımız öncelikle Esad rejimine saldıracaktır.
Bize yönelik herhangi bir arkadan vurmaya, saldırıya canımızı yaksa da karşılık vermemeye çalışacağız. Müslümanların canı, onuru ve bu rejimin yıkılması bizim önceliğimiz olacaktır. Ama bununla beraber rejimin elini rahatlatan, zayıflamışken gücünü toparlamasına yardım eden herhangi bir zulme de müsaade etmeyeceğiz.(EDİTÖRÜN NOTU: Bkz. Raqqa 17.Alayda rejimin son günlerde yaşadığı iddia edilen büyük rahatlama.) Bu zulüm rejimin ikmal yollarının açılması, ön cephedeki mücahitlerin destek yollarının kapatılması, sınır kapılarının kapatılması gibi rejimi rahatlatıcı cihadı sıkıntıya sokan bir zulüm olursa buna müsaade etmeyeceğiz, bunu yapanları affetmeyeceğiz ve buna olan öfkemiz nefis değil Allah için olan öfke olacaktır ve bu kırmızı çizgileri kimse aşmamalıdır. (NOT: Bu hususlarda IŞİD son zamanlarda büyük töhmet altındadır.)
Bütün bunlara rağmen zulümden vazgeçenleri kardeşlerimiz olarak görürüz. Ümmetin, farklı grupların oluşturacağı islami mahkeme karar vermeli. Rejimden insanlar yeteri kadar baskı görüyor bunu bir de iç çatışmayla artırmayalım.
En son olarak Cenevre'ye katılanlara sesleniyor ve küçük pazarlıklar uğruna şehitlerimizin kanlarını satanlar halkımız tarafından onaylanmayan ve yetkisi olmayanlardır diyor. Klasörlerini dürmeli ve geri dönmeliler. Esad gibi tiranlar tüfek ve kurşunların dilinden başka hiçbir dilden anlamaz diyor.
Sonunda Allah(cc)'ın yardımını dileyen bir duayla kapatıyor.
29 January
Halep: Al Maadi, bugün / today
- Şam-Yarmouk Kampı: Açlık ve çocuklar. / Starvation and children.
- İddialara göre IŞİD'in bombalanan konvoyu Türkmenlerle çatışmak için yolda olan bir konvoydu. / According to claims convoy of ISIS was on the way to fight against Turkmans.
- VİDEO: Rejim işkencelerinden eski bir görüntü. / An old video from regime tortures.
- Şam-Qalamoun: Nusret Cephesi tanklarıyla Cherubim manastırında üslenen rejim güçlerini vuruyor. / Jabhat al Nusra targeting regime forces in Cherobem Monastery.
- Şam-Qalamoun: Wadi Barada'da rejim bombardımanı sonucu şehit olan çocuk. / A boy who is martyred by regime shelling in Wadi Barada.
Bombardıman sonrası / Aftermath of bombardment
Annesinin kucağında küçük şehit / Little martyr on mother's hands
- Halep: Aziziye cephesi ile ilgili bir Ahrar komutanıyla yapılan röportaj. / An interview with an Ahrar as Sham commander about Aziziya front.
Rejim noktaları vuruluyor / Regime points are being hit by Ahrar as Sham
Rejim noktaları vuruluyor / Regime points are being hit by Ahrar as Sham
- Humus: Kent üzerindeki kuşatmayı kaldırmak isteyen muhaliflerin saldırısı sonucu öldürülen rejim askerleri. Ahraruş Şam. / Opposition forces attack to break the siege on the city. Killed regime soldiers by Ahrar as Sham.
- TSK IŞİD'e ait bir konvoyu vurdu. Gruba ait birkaç aracın tahrip edildiği söyleniyor fakat ölü ve yaralı sayısı ile ilgili bir bilgi yok. / Turkish Army hit an ISIS convoy. It is reported that several vehicles are destroyed but no info about the casualities.
- Şam-Quneitra: Mücahitler Qusiba bariyer noktasını ele geçirdi. / Mujahideen liberated Qusiba barrier and killed all Assad soldiers.
29 Ocak 2014 Çarşamba
28 January

Rahaf al Jabali: She was 25 days old when she died of starvation in Yarmouk camp earlier today due to the regime’s ongoing siege, never even knowing what milk tasted like. Eighty-three residents of Yarmouk camp have been killed by Assad’s manmade famine there to date, with the number rising steadily hour by hour, day by day. Today is the 200th day of the regime siege on Yarmouk.
- Rejimin korkunç suçlarından biri daha. Link arapça. Dileyen google.translate ile okuyabilir. / Another horrific crime story of regime. Link is arabic but you can use google.translate to view it in English.
- Daraa-al Sahwa: Küçük Rama'yı kurtaramadılar. / They couldn't save little Rama.
- Şam-al Assali: Bombardıman sonrası kurtarma çabaları. / Rescue efforts after regime bombardment.
- Halep: Kentin doğu kırsalındaki Al Rai'de IŞİD ile muhalifler arasında yoğun çatışmalar sürüyor. / Intense clashes going on between ISIS and opposition forces in Al Rai located in eastern countryside.
- Halep-al Qaterji: Al Tahan civarında bombardıman sonrası hayatta kalabilen çocuklar. Videoyu kesinlikle izleyin. / Children who were able to keep alive after TNT barrel attack of regime. You must watch the video.
- Şam-Zamalka: Bir bombardıman sonucunda birbirini kaybeden baba oğulun kavuşması. / Meeting back of a dad and a son who lost each after a regime bombardment.
- Halep: Ele geçirilen Şeyh Lütfi ve çatışmaların devam ettiği Azizah civarında TV muhabirinin bombardıman altındaki anları. Burada Ahrar ve Nusra beraber. / TV reporters difficult moments under regime bombardment in Sheikh Lutfi and Aziziyah front. Here Ahrar and Nusra acting together.
- Şam-Babila: İnsanlar ot toplayıp yiyor. / People pick weeds to eat in Babila.
- Şam-Douma: Yere düşen yiyecek artıklarını yiyen çocuklar. / Children eating remainings of food on the street.
- Şam: Açlık had safhada. / Starvation is widespread because of regime's siege and starvation policy.
- Humus-Halidiye: Açlıktan ölmek üzere olan bir yenidoğan bebek. / SOS TO HUMANITY, A NEWBORN BABY IS DYING BECAUSE OF STARVATION , HOMS.
- Şam-Harasta: İnsanlar hayvan yemi olarak kullanılacak hububatı öğüterek ekmek yapıyor. / They grind cerals (animal food) to bake bread.
- Halep: Çatışmaların sürdüğü Şeyh Yusuf Tepesi'nden çevredeki Masaken Hannano, Al Haydariyat ,Al Sakhour and endüstriyel kasaba Şeyh Neccar'ı bombalayan 130mm. lik rejim topu vuruldu. / Mujahideen destroy a regime cannon 130 on Talat Sheikh Youssouf, and that was shelling Masaken Hannano, Al Haydariyat and AL Sakhour and industrial town Sheikh Najjar.
- Şam: Hava Savunma Yönetim binası yakınlarında bir rejim askeri vuruldu. / Mujahideen sniped a regime’s soldier near the administration of air defense.
- Halep: Birkaç gün önce ele geçirilen Maaret al Artiq çatışmalarından derleme görüntüler. / Footage compilation of the rebel offensive against Assad’s forces in Maarat al-Artiq where recently captured by mujahideen.
- Hama: Nasıriye'deki rejim kontrol noktasının ele geçirilmesine dair video. /
- Video of liberation al-Nasryah outpost in Hama outskirts by al-Muhajreen wa al-Ansar union campaign.
- Halep: Rejimin varil bombardımanları sonucu bugün 20'den fazla sivil hayatını kaybetti. / More than 20 civilians killed in today’s barrels in Aleppo city.
Patlamamış bir varil bombası / An unexploded Barrel Bomb in a Aleppo residential street.
- İdlib: Kafranbel'deki ilginç protesto posterlerinin çizeri Raed Fares bir silahlı saldırıda ağır yaralandı. / Raed Fares behind the Kafranbel banners, was shot at by unknown gunmen today. His state is stationary as doctors were able to stop the hemorrhage.
The video inside / Video linki :
Hassan Abboud's Announcement about ISIS
The Translation of Mr. Hassan Abboud's Announcement about the Events In Syria and "Umma’s Initiation"
In the name of Allah the most Gracious and the most Merciful
All praise is to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and peace and mercy of Him be upon His messenger, Muhammad, the Imam of all Mujahedeen, and mercy be upon the prophet’s relatives, his companions and all those who follow his tradition until the Judgment Day.
We were patient in issuing a statement about the last events in northern and eastern Syria in order to give enough time to the people of reform to do their best and fix the situation before it becomes more critical, especially after a period dominated by fatwas of excommunication and apostasy, declarations of war from several parties, and involving the country in a war that Jihad is its first loser.
Since the series of trespassing on us from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) started, we in the Islamic Movement of Ahrar Al-Sham and the Islamic Front have done all our efforts to contain the hard situation and try to prevent any escalation in any link of this long series. We have always called them [ISIS] to accept the Islamic Sharia as a judge between us, and to accept the initiations of the known Islamic Sheikhs: as happened in the cases of kidnapping and killing the responsible of aids in our Movement Abu Obayda Al-Binshi, beheading the Mujahid brother Muhammad Fares, taking over Maskanah city, extorting our headquarters and robbing our properties, arresting and torturing our Mujahedeen and then killing the leaders of them after torturing them and mutilating their corpses afterwards like in the case of doctor Abu Rayyan (Allah’s mercy be upon them all); not to mention the malignity and injustice that came from them when we shared with them some battles against the Assad regime, as if it was meant to drag us into battling with them by all means.
The spark of the last events started when the armed groups decided to prevent the supporting convoys from reaching Al-Atareb city and the regiment 46 in order not to agitate the killing among the unarmed Muslims who were sleeping with artillery and tanks shelling upon their heads; we were trying not to let any party trespass on another in the other districts, but we were shocked by the unjust escalation campaign of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham against us- which was based on a wrong interpretation of our intentions, their whims, and based on not caring if they oppress or trespass on other Muslims or not. Their campaign affected even the Muslim Mujahedeen who were heading towards Aleppo: they were taken as prisoners by ISIS and their weapons were confiscated. Furthermore, ISIS attacked our headquarters, held control of our weapons and properties, killed our prisoners who rejected to fight them when they were attacked because of their belief in Allah (as in the case of Al-Raqqa city), repealed the covenants between us like in Ma’dan and other places; and after that their bomb cars unjustly started to blow up our headquarters and checkpoints in Deir Ezzor, Idleb and Aleppo. This was happening at times in which we opened our strongholds to be a refuge for those of them who fled and came to us avoiding to shed any Muslim blood.
Moreover, they started to tell lies about the situation saying that people of al-Sham turned against the Muhajireen who came for the sake of Jihad and for helping them; and they invented fake stories of how we trespassed on their women in order to agitate the feelings of those who had not made their minds yet about the issue of fighting other Mujahedeen. In fact, the Muhajireen know well how the people of al-Sham (including our Movement) love them; those people became happy when the Muhajireen-who are the best of human beings- came for help and they saw in their coming a first step of achieving victory; our people became their loving families, and opened their hearts for them before their houses; they wed them their daughters and exchanged love with them until the Satan played his role: some people started to sow dissension among the Muhajireen and the people of al-Sham, seeking for dividing our ranks to tear the bond between the brothers using the tools of lying and agitating people’s feelings through telling false stories of kidnapping and raping our innocent sisters by hands of apostates and Sahawats (they mean us); ISIS lied in all that and claimed that they are performing Allah’s commands. Allah, be He exalted, says: “They only invent falsehood who do not believe in the verses of Allah, and it is those who are the liars.”
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, warned against this when he said, “Do not you ever lie, for lying leads to dissoluteness, and dissoluteness leads to the hellfire.” It is worth mentioning that most of the lies they said have been denied by several of the Muhajireen, like Sheikh Muhaysini, the Khurasanians and others; it is sufficient to prove that they are telling lies when Al-Anbari (the second man in the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham after Al-Baghdadi) has left hundreds of women and children under the roof of the Mujahedeen of Ahrar Al-Sham because he knew well these lies.
It is known here in Syria that we consider the Muhajireen as beloved brothers and we prioritize their lives over ours; we are willing to be their defenders and helpers in case any party wanted to harm them. Besides, in case there is one isolated occasion or two of trespassing from people who are no more than secret hands of the Assad regime and who become active only in times of chaos and disorder that we have no role in it, then no one should be more respectful for the honor of our innocent sisters (the Muhajireen’s wives) than us: for we declared from the very beginning that the hand that tries to harm Muslims’ honor would be dealt with in fire and steal; thanks to our brothers in Idleb and Aleppo as they defended our sisters there amid the chaos and fighting and facilitated their escape into a safe place: this refutes the propaganda of the liars as well.
As for the Muhajireen who were misled and chose to fight Muslim Mujahedeen, they hasted themselves to Allah’s hellfire when they started to blow up other Mujahedeen’s headquarters; we say to those people: did not you read Allah’s serious threatening to the people who haste to declare other believers as apostates and disbelievers when He said: “O you who have believed, when you go forth [to fight] in the cause of Allah, investigate; and do not say to one who gives you [a greeting of] peace "You are not a believer," aspiring for the goods of worldly life; for with Allah are many acquisitions. You [yourselves] were like that before; then Allah conferred His favor upon you, so investigate. Indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Acquainted”?
Your interpretations will not help you in the Judgment Day, neither your adherence to the misleading fatwas of your Sharia scholars who have the tendency of declaring other Muslims as apostates so easily, which is a characteristic never found in a Muslim before. Again and again, we invite them [ISIS] to accept holding discussion meetings between our scholars and theirs concerning the new fatwas they invented in Islam. To the one who is drowned in the blood of innocent Muslims: it will not be useful to you in the Judgment Day your excuse that you were only abiding by the orders of your leaders; for every followed person you exceed the Islamic limits in following him then he is a Taghut you die for his case, as Ibn Al-Quayyim mentioned (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) when he meditated in Allah’s following words, “[And they should consider that] when those who have been followed disassociate themselves from those who followed [them], and they [all] see the punishment, and cut off from them are the ties [of relationship], Those who followed will say, "If only we had another turn [at worldly life] so we could disassociate ourselves from them as they have disassociated themselves from us." Thus will Allah show them their deeds as regrets upon them. And they are never to emerge from the Fire.” Then, go back to the right path under Allah’s mercy, and know that the real Jihad now is in fighting the enemy that is trying to destroy Islam and Muslim’s lives: nothing is more important now than repelling the oppressor; you may find in your brothers who knew this fact and adhered to it a good example to follow.
To my brothers in the Islamic Movement of Ahrar Al-Sham, my companions in the way of Jihad who work to achieve its project, I say: you are the free people of al-Sham and its guards; you are people of a strong will; you are the lions of monotheism; you are the knights of the fields; squares, checkpoints and airports of Assad regime have witnessed your unparalleled fighting; the land that is watered by the blood of thousand martyrs of your best members witnesses that you were great at the hard times, and that you were firmed people in the hard battles; you severely damaged Allah’s enemies from the Nusayris and Rafidis; you sacrificed yourselves and your money and time to make Allah’s commands as top priority and to help the weak in the land of al-Sham (as we think of you). Allah, be He exalted, has wanted to vary the kinds of suffering upon you, like the injustice that fell upon you from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham: those people unfairly killed and arrested some Mujahedeen of you, and took the main thing that helps in Jihad now: your weapons, ammunition and headquarters; then they sent upon you their bomb cars led by people who thought that they came to the Jihad to fight Nusayris, but it ended with them dying among parts of MUJAHEDEEN’S bodies, Mujahedeen who worship only Allah; those will meet Allah as people who committed suicides, people who wronged themselves, and people who were misled by wrong fatwas of takfeer [declaring other people as apostates] by some of their scholars and leaders without any evidence from the Holy Quran.
Consequently, at first we say that Allah’s religion is clear of such deeds, and His Sharia is freed from them. We swear by Allah that the very act of relating such deeds to Islam is more painful to us than bombing and killing us, justifying that by their own understanding of Sharia; we started our Jihad for the sake of defending Islam and Muslims in the first place, and to apply Allah’s commands in our land; it hurts us a lot that the repulsion of that comes from such deeds of ISIS.
Second, we declare ourselves as unjustly treated and betrayed without any proof of our wrong position; Allah, be He exalted, says: “Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory.” He also says, “And whoever avenges himself after having been wronged - those have not upon them any cause [for blame].The cause is only against the ones who wrong the people and tyrannize upon the earth without right. Those will have a painful punishment.” Thus, in the Islamic Sharia the oppressed and wronged persons have the right to defend themselves and face the oppressor’s tyranny; and because we are fighting to lift the oppression on people, we do not accept it on ourselves, and we do not accept that we oppress any party as well. We do not accept that additional oppression is falling upon the unfortunate Muslim people who were attacked by the spears of Nusayris and Rafidis, and who were bitten by painful wounds, hunger, sickness and displacement until they became exhausted. We swear by Allah that we will not accept any oppression to fall upon them, neither from disbelievers nor from Muslims, near or far, and we promised Allah of this; and because we surrendered ourselves to Allah we do not care if we die on the hands of disbelievers or perfidious oppressors; for our rewards are preserved with Allah when we are patient and have the right intentions.
Third, despite all the painful wounds and traitorous stabs, we will do our best to keep our weapons directed to the Assad regime in the first place, seeking to overthrow it and fold the page of its oppression and tyranny in order to establish a country dominated by Islam and justice, a country where Allah’s commands are the top priority.
We will try to avoid any distractions that keep us away from fighting the Assad regime; we will try to avert any stabs from the people of oppression by not reacting against them, even if they hurt us and cause a lot of pain; we will prioritize Muslims safety, their honor, and toppling the regime over revenge. However, we clearly say that we will NOT accept any oppression that prolongs the life of the regime or eases the pressure upon it leading to refresh its strength after it became so weak!
The type of oppression we may bear is the oppression that DOES NOT HINDER THE JIHAD in al-Sham, neither stops the interests of the oppressed people; it is the type whose damage restricts only to us: no one else other than us. But if it stands in the way of Jihad, hinders the fighting in the fronts with the regime, eases the pressure upon the criminal Assad forces and allowing support convoys to reach them, cuts off aid convoys of the Mujahedeen positioned in the front lines, closes border crossings, and make things harder for Muslims, then this is an oppression that we will not allow to happen; we will not forgive those who practice it; our anger in such case will be for the sake of Allah because of the disobedience of His orders. So, no one ever shall get close of these red lines.
As for those who came to the right path after they practiced oppression, we consider them as our beloved brothers; Allah’s laws will be the judge between the litigants in the Islamic courts: for reconciliation is good as the Holy Quran says. We are just asking for our rights; we do not seek any right which is not ours. Consequently, we welcome the so-called “the Umma’s initiation” in order to stop the fighting between Muslims and to return the rights by going to Islamic courts. We stress that the mechanism of the initiation should be set now, and that the trusted leaders of all parties should give obligatory promises that all parties will abide by the decisions issued by the Islamic court which is to be formed according to the initiation. War consequences and besieges laid by the Assad regime are enough sufferance for our people, so do not make it worse on them by engaging in fights that led to arrogance, unreasonable contention, singularity and aggression: things that should end immediately after they badly affected Jihad in al-Sham and they were intensely denied by Umma’s scholars, the Mujahedeen and the civilians.
Finally, a ward to those conferring in the name of opposition in Geneva: history is made by men’s attitudes. As for those wasting their times in the markets of cheap bargaining, those who sell the blood of the martyrs and trade the sufferings of our besieged or displaced people for the purpose of getting small achievements, we remind them that they were not authorized by our people. They should fold their files and come back; for tyrants, including Bashar Al-Assad, do not understand any language other than the language of rifles and bullets!
O Allah, we pray to lift the hardship on the people of al-Sham; take down Bashar along with his assistants and allies. O Allah, protect our Jihad in al-Sham, let those who want to harm it be occupied with themselves by punishing them instead; and our final words are “[All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds.”
28 Ocak 2014 Salı
27 January
- Halep: Ceyşul Mücahidiyn grubu tarafından IŞİD tarafından kullanıldığı iddia edilen bir toplu mezar bulundu. / Jaish al-Mujahideen fighters find a mass grave of people claimed to be killed by ISIS in the village of Bashatin in Aleppo province.
- Halep-Maaret al Artiq: Ceyşul Mücahidiyn savaşçıları Hizbuşşeytan militanlarının cesetlerini inceliyor. / Jasih al-Mujahideen fighters in captured buildings in Maarat al-Artiq examine the bodies of Lat Party, Shia militia fighters.
Bölgede ele geçirilen bir bina / A building captured in the area
- Halep-Azizah: Ceyşul Mücahidiyn tarafından havanla vurulan Shilka. / Regime Shilka hit by Jaish al Mujahideen using mortar.
- Halep-Manbej: Videoya göre IŞİD kendisine karşı savaştıklarından dolayı tevbe eden Liwa Tewhid mücahitlerini serbest bıraktı. İddia edilen salınan mücahit sayısı 120. / According to the video ISIS forgave and released Liwa Tawheed fighters who repented from fighting against it. The claimed number of fighters is 120.
- Halep-Halidiye: Mücahitler Cehennem Topu ile rejim güçlerinin üslendiği bir binayı vuruyor. / Mujahideen in the Khalidiya district of Aleppo fire a classic Hell Cannon at the local regime HQ.
Atışlar / Firing the rounds
Vuruşlar / Hits
- VİDEOLAR / VIDEOS: 2013 yılından bazı videolar. / Some videos from the year 2013.
Şam-Irbeen 25 Jan.
Bombardıman sonrası yaralıları kurtarma çalışmaları. / Attempts to rescue the wounded after regime bombardment.
Humus-Qusayr 25 Jan
Bir aile rejim bombardımanında şehit oldu / A family martyred by regime bombardment
Humus 25 Jan
Baba Amr sahra hastanesinde tedavisi yapılanlar / Treating wounded children, women, and men in Baba Amr field hospital.
Daraa, Dael 22 Jan
Doktorlar çocukları tedavi etmeye çalışıyor. /Doctors treat an injured child and attempt to revive another child.
Daraa, Dael 22 Jan
Doktorlar çocukları tedavi etmeye çalışıyor. /Doctors treat an injured child and attempt to revive another child.
Daraya 18 Jan
Enkazdan gece şehitleri çıkarma çabası / Efforts to retrieve the martyrs from rubble at night
İdlib-Sarja, 17 Jan
Rejim bombardımanında yaralanan kadın ve çocuklar / Two children and a woman wounded due to aerial shelling.
Hama-Kafranbouda, 17 Jan
Bombardıman sonrası şehit bebeler, yaralılar / Martyrs and wounded, carried and running, after regime shelling
Humus-Abel, 17 Jan
İki yaşındaki küçük şehit Mohamad Hekmat Hasoun / Mohamad Hekmat Hasoun, 2 years old, from Abel, Homs, martyred on 17 January 2013.
- VİDEO: Rejim tarafından atılan bir yangın bombası. / An incendiary bomb of regime.
- Şam-Barzeh: Ateşkes anlaşmasının ardından bir yıl sonra sivillerin bir kısmı semte dönmeye başladı./ A number of civilians are back at Barzeh after 1 year of absence after the ceasefire agreement.
- ÖSO IŞİD'in önemli komutanlarından Ebubekir el Iraqi'nin öldürüldüğünü duyurdu. Haberde askeri komuta kademesinde ikinci adam olduğu belirtiliyor. İnna lillahi ve inna ileyhi raciun. / FSA announces the assassination of Abu Bakr Al-Iraqi the 2nd man in command of ISIS organization.
- VİDEO: Rejim TV'sindeki diyalog. Esad'ın alternatifi İsrail'i tehlikeye atacak ve Kudüs'ü kurtarmayı hedef bellemiş bir İslam Devleti olacaktır. / Regime TV; the alternative to Assad is an Islamic state that will endanger Isreal and thinks about liberating Jerusalem.
- Halep: Ahraruş Şam tanklarla Şeyh Yusuf tepesindeki rejim güçlerini vuruyor. / Ahrar as Sham hit regime forces on Sheikh Yusuf with tanks.
- Şam-Daraya: Çifte varil bombası. / Double barrel bomb attack.
- Halep: Mücahitler Tal Schweineh'e saldırıyor. Buraya daha önce de saldırıyorlardı. / Mujahideen attack on Tell Shuwehneh.
Saldırı hazırlığı / Preparations to attack
Çatışmalar / Clashes
- Halep: Mücahitler Şeyh Lütfi semtini ele geçirmişti. Şimdi ise Marjeh semtinin girişinde rejim güçleriyle çatışmalar var. / Recently mujahideen Sheikh Lutfi area. Now there is clashes in entrance of Marjeh district.
Şeyh Lütfi'den / From Sheikh Lutfi area
- Halep-ISIS war: IŞİD ile yürütülen çatışmalarda İC'de aktif bir şekilde yer alıyor. Bu meyanda İC IŞİD'in elindeki Kafr Hamra ve Hreitan'a saldırdı ve bu esnada IŞİD komutanlarından Ahmed Cemal Nayef esir edildi. ASIA laboratuvarları civarında yaklaşık 10 IŞİD savaşçısı esir edildi. Hatırlar mısınız bilmem ama buraya dair bir video eklemiştim ve buradaki çatışmalarda yer alan Türk IŞİD savaşçılarını görmüştük. Burada İC ayrıca Elektrik Enstitüsünü de IŞİD'den ele geçirdi. Aynı bölgede bir IŞİD intihar bombacısı Anadan'da mücahitlerin arasında kendisini havaya uçurdu. Tewhid Tugayı komutanlarından AbdulAziz'in beyanatına göre muhalif güçler son iki haftada sadece IŞİD ile olan çatışmalarda 400 mücahidi kaybetti. / To this end the IF launched an attack against the Jihadist occupied suburbs of Kafr Hamra & Haritan, detaining an ISIL commander, Ahmad Jamal Nayef, in the process. Around a dozen ISIL fighters surrendered at the “ASIA laboratories” and IF also took away the Institute of Electricity from Jihadist control. In the same area, an ISIL suicide bomber blew himself up near a gathering of moderate Opposition fighters at Anadan. Abdul Aziz, commander of the Tawhid brigade, said they had lost 400 men over the last 2 weeks in battles with ISIL alone.
- Halep(25.01.2014): Mücahitler Havaalanı yakınında bulunan rejime ait bir yakıt deposunu vurdu. / Mujahideen hit a regime fuel depot close to the airport.
- Halep-Aziza: Mücahitler köye girmeye çalışan rejim güçlerine ait bir BMP ve bir Shilka'yı vurdu. Şeyh Lütfi civarı tamamen mücahitlerin kontrolünde ve dün bu bölgeye girmeye çalışan birçok rejim askeri öldürüldü. Rejim güçleri buraları ele geçirerek Havaalanını rahatlatmak ve ayrıca muhaliflerin elindeki bölgeleri bölerek birbirinden ayırmak istiyor. / Mujahideen destroyed a BMP and a Shelka in Aziza village during the battle with the regime forces who attempt to storm the village from the south. They control now totally Sheikh Lutfi and killed many of regime forces who tried yesterday to break through from the orchards area. This happened along with a fierce miltary campaign by the regime forces at the eastern Aleppo front to allow traffic in the airports and besiege the liberated areas.
27 Ocak 2014 Pazartesi
26 January
- Halep-Maaret al Artiq: Bölgenin rejim güçlerinin elinden alındığı belirtiliyor. / It is claimed that mujahideen liberated this location.
- Halep: Kentin güneydoğusunda yer alan Şeyh Lütfi kasabası mücahitler tarafından ele geçirildi. / Sheikh Lütfi town is liberated by mujahideen.
- Hama: Tal al Nasıriyeh mücahitler tarafından ele geçirildi. / Tal al Nasıriyah is liberated from regime forces.
- VİDEO: Katliamları işleyen rejim güçlerinin kullandığı uyuşturucu haplar. / Regime forces take anti fear drugs to comitt the most horrible crimes.
- VİDEO-Şam-Daraya: Varil bombası kameramanın çok yakınına düşüyor. / Barrel bomb falls very close to the cameraman.
26 Ocak 2014 Pazar
25 January
Kardeşin vedası / A child's farewell to his brother
- Şam: Maaloula'da öldürülen rejim askerleri. Buradan benzer görüntülere daha önce de yer vermiştim. Muhtemelen aynı zamanda çekildiler. / Regime forces killed in Maaloula.
- Şii militanların kullandığı kurşunların üzerinde Ya Ali! yazıyor. / Ya Ali! writes on bullets which shiite militants use.
- Halep-Azizah: Keskin nişancı tarafından vurulan iki rejim askeri. / Opposition snipers killed two regime soldiers.
- Hasekeh-Ras el Ayn: Ahraruş Şam ve Nusret Cephesi ortak operasyonuyla burada iki köy ele geçirildi. / Ahrar Al Sham and JAN have liberated large area including two villages in Ras AL Ain.
- Şam-Yarmouk Kampı: Muhtemelen ömrünün son zamanlarını yaşayan bebek. / Child possibly in last times of his/her life.
- Deyr ez Zour: Mücahitler askeri havaalanını vuruyor. / Mujahideen hit military airport with high caliber cannon.
- Şam-Meliha: Küçük şehit Jamal Al Rehawi. / Little martyr Jamal Al Rehawi.
- Şam-Jobar: Rejim güçlerinin gözünden çatışmalar. / Clashes from regimes viewpoint.
Mücahitler rejim noktalarını el yapımı topla vuruyor. / Mujahideen hit regime positions with DIY mortar
Mücahitler rejim noktalarını el yapımı topla vuruyor. / Mujahideen hit regime positions with DIY mortar
- Şam-Daraya: Mücahitler rejim noktalarını ele geçirmeye ve saldırılarına devam ediyor. Mücahitler Qadam ile Daraya'nın arasındaki geçişi açacak şekilde bir alışveriş merkezini ve Al Salam Hastanesini ele geçirdi. / Mujahideen capturing regime points and continue their attacks. Mujahideen control Town Centre shopping mall, Al-Salam hospital. This opens the road between Daraya and Alqadam .
- Halep: Kentin kuzeyinde IŞİD'den ele geçen mühimmat. / Opposition forces seized spoils that belong to ISIS in northern of Aleppo.
- Halep: Havaalanı civarında süren çatışmalardan görüntüleri. Liwa Tewhid. / Scenes from clashes around the airport.
- Hasekeh: Mücahitler ile PKK arasındaki çatışmalar sonucunda Al Manajer ve As Sawdah köyleri muhalif güçler tarafından ele geçirildi. / Fierce clashes between the Islamic Army Battalions resulted in the PKK and the Islamic Army Battalions was able to kill a number of the PKK and liberate Almanajer and Assawdah villages.
24 Ocak 2014 Cuma
ISIS slaughters on Syria's killing fields
Source is Al Jazeera. Surely we should not give news using fasiqoon channels. But after seeing all about ISIS I know that there is high possibility to be true. And I feel myself guilty if I do not publish such news. My intention is not to increase fitnah but people should have an opinion how things are happening on the ground to have an idea from their seats. Surely it is not very possible to catch the ultimate truth. But I also believe that many ISIS fighters also missing the real truth on the ground and since they obey their leaders. May Allah(cc) make us away from spreading falsehood about muslims and I ask forgiveness if I am doing so.
That's the article from al Jazeera about what happened in Jarablous:
The actual link:
Al-Qaeda fighters have struck a bloody blow in scenes of medieval violence in Syria's northern border-town of Jarabulus. Fighting came to a head on January 17, between rebel groups Liwa al-Tawhid Brigade and the al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in the town, when reinforcements arrived from Raqqa and reclaimed the city in a brutal four-hour battle.
By nightfall, at least 10 men had been beheaded, their heads mounted on spikes, and more than 1,000 refugees fled the 3kms across the border to Turkey.
It's a shocking turn of events for residents and Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters alike, who just a week ago believed they were hours away from expelling the al-Qaeda group from their city altogether after surrounding the last 40 fighters in the city's cultural centre.
But when an ISIL car bomb killed 33 people - all women and children - the FSA brigade called for backup. Instead, what arrived was a 70-car ISIL convoy from Raqqa, an ISIL stronghold 160kms to the south-east. Fighters say half of the militants wore their usual black uniform and half wore camouflage like the FSA, and were uncharacteristically clean-shaven. The disguised fighters tied white bands around their arms to distinguish themselves from the real FSA.
More than 100 men were taken from their homes and escorted to the main square for what turned into a bloodbath.
Muhammad Jader, 22, and his uncle Ali, 35, were among those arrested.
"They lined us up against the wall," Jader told Al Jazeera, "and the emir told them not to waste bullets. Suddenly they grabbed one guy and pinned him down on his stomach. Then one man from ISIL put his knee on his back, shouted 'Allahu Akbar' and cut off his head with a knife."
"They chose people at random to kill," he said. "There was no logic."
One was beheaded because they found cigarettes in his pocket.
Approximately 40 men were mowed down by a spray of automatic gunfire in a show of reckless and wanton violence.
The surviving men were then questioned about their connections to the FSA - even giving the rebels a glass of water earned the person a death sentence.
Shocked and shaking, the two men could barely believe they had survived, but despite being released, they knew they were still being hunted, so they made a break for the border.
Six of the beheaded were from the Jader family, one of the first to rise up against ISIL in the city. Contrary to initial reports, the men were not leaders of the battalion, but were targeted for their family ties.
They have been identified as Hussein Jader, 18; Ahmad Jader, 20, a soldier who had defected from Bashar al-Assad's army; Murat Kirkez Jader, 25; Amar Jader, 40; Ibrahim Jader, 55; and Abdo Jader, 60.
In addition to the Jader family, the Jubanat clan was also targeted in the revenge killing. Ali told Al Jazeera that 12 women and children, including a two-year-old, were found slaughtered in their house. Neighbours say ISIL came for the men but massacred the family in their absence.
Al-Qaeda's extreme tactics goes a long way to explain how they have reclaimed much of the territory in northern Syria. Despite being fewer in number than the opposing rebel factions, their use of terror and increasing use of attacks on civilians is winning out.
Now controlling the entirety of Jarabulus, ISIL has called upon international NGOs previously active in the area to restart their operations.
However since the violence began, streams of civilians have crossed the border into Turkey.
Aid organisations say more than 1,000 people have arrived in the past few days, with many more fleeing to neighbouring towns in Syria.
'They killed everyone'
Most of the refugees are from the internally displaced persons (IDP) camps that surround Jarabulus.
A Syrian refugee looks at his home in Jarabulus from Karkamis camp in Turkey[Al Jazeera]
UK-based Christian NGO World Vision, works in the four IDP camps in the city. Response Leader and Country Director Michael Butt said people started to leave after the car bomb on January 15. He said, "25 percent of the IDPs from Youth Camp have left, 75 percent from the 'Agricultural Bank' Camp and 50 percent from Stadium Camp [have left]."
In a small, makeshift community centre across the border in Karkamis, approximately 250 men, women and children await help.
Women and children sleep in the cramped, sparse but warm space, while the men stay outside in the street and all share just two toilets.
Mohammed Sulaiby carried his 75-year-old mother, Suad, on his back from Jarabulus because she is too weak to walk. A diabetic, Suad hasn't had insulin for days - her blood sugar level has reached dangerous levels, her son said.
"People don't have money and it's expensive here," he told Al Jazeera. "We've been here for three days and no one has helped us. The children are sick and everyone is hungry."
A spokeswoman from AFAD, Turkey's Disaster and Emergency Management Committee, said it is the responsibility of the refugees to register themselves with the organisation.
She said, "We are dealing with the problem, but they need to apply to us. Karkamis Camp may be full, but then we can bus them to other camps."
But this does little for 20-year-old Wafa Turkmani, who is a mother of one, four months pregnant, and has no idea where to go next.
Like many of the families who have crossed the border, all she wants is to get into a Turkish government camp, but said she has been told to fend for herself. "We went to Nizip at first," she said, "but the Turkish official there said we had to come back to Karkamis. He told us we had two options - either go back to Syria, or stay with relatives or friends in Turkey because the camp is full."
"We are here alone with no food and no money, and why would we go back to Jarabulus? They killed everyone and put their heads on spikes. We're terrified."
Source: Al Jazeera
24 January
Yorum yok! / No comment!
Yemek için ot toplayan çocuklar , Humus
Children picking grass to eat, Homs
- Hama: Kent kırsalındaki Job Ebu Maarouf kontrol noktası ele geçirildi. / Mujahideen liberated the Job Abu Ma’arouf checkpoint this dawn.
- Şam-Saydnaya: Deir Cherobim manastırı civarındaki çatışmalarda şehit edilen mücahitlerin cesetlerine ait İran sitesinde yayınlanan fotoğraflar. / Iranian website pages publish mujahideen's carbonized bodies's martyred at Deir Cherobim.
- Şam-Daraya: Rejim helikopteri iki varil bombasını birden bırakıyor. İkinci videoyu 5.saniyede dondurun. Müthiş an. / Regime helicopter drops two barrel bombs at a time. Freeze the second video on 5th second.
Bombaların vuruş anı / Hitting moments of the bombs
Bombaların vuruş anı / Hitting moments of the bombs
- Şam-Meliha: Çatışmalardan görüntüler. / Scenes from clashes.
Meliha'ya Hava Kuvvetleri Karargahı tarafından olan girişi mücahitler metal bariyerle kapatıyor. / Mujahideen close the entrance to Mleha from the HQ tgate with metal barriers
Bölgede bazı binaların kontrolü ele geçirildi. / Some buildings are captured in the Air Force HQ vicinity
Hava kuvvetleri karargahı(muhtemelen istihbarat) vuruluyor / AF HQ(possibly AF intelligence) is hit with mortars
- The Telegraph gazetesinde yayınlanan ve Türkiye'nin mülteci krizine cevabını öven başlığında kahramanca diyen yazı. / Turkey's response to the Syrian refugee crisis has been heroic.
- Şam: Rejimle yapılan ateşkeslerden bahsetmiştim. Bununla ilgili aşağıda linki bulunan yazı mutlaka okunmalı. İngilizce bilmeyenler için özetleyeyim. Rejim bu ateşkesi belli şartlarla yapıyor ve yiyecek girişine izin veriyor. Ağır silahların teslim edilmesi. Komutanların rejim karargahına hiçbir güvence olmadan gidip ardından burada kendilerinin terörist olduğuna dair imza vermesi vb. şartlar. Muhalifler genelde ateşkesi burada bulunan sivil halkın açlıktan kırılması sebebiyle kabul ediyor anladığım kadarıyla. / A short but must read about the local ceasefires in Damascus.
- Şam-Meliha: Şebbihaların üs olarak kullandığı bir bina havaya uçuruldu. / A building used as a base by shabbihas is detonated.
- Şam: Bir süre önce kentte bazı semtlerde rejim ile muhalifler arasında geçici ateşkes anlaşmaları yapıldığını belirtmiştim. Buna dair hazırlanan bir harita çalışması. / I put here news stating that in some areas of the city regime and opposition forces are making temporary ceasefire agreements. Here is a map work about this.
İşaretlerin açıklaması: Yeşil renk-rejim geri çekilmeyi kabul edip bombardımanı durduruyor ve kamu hizmetleri geri dönüyor. Muhtemelen elektrik su gibi. Yeşil/kırmızı çizgili: Rejim çekilmiyor ama çatışmalar durduruluyor. Sarı kırıklı çizgi: Bozulan ateşkes antlaşması. Yarmouk kampında 17-18 ocakta varılan anlaşma bozuldu. Kırmızı/Yeşil baloncuklar: Ateşkes görüşmeleri sürüyor.
- Rejim hapishanesinden kurtulan bir mahkumun geldiği hal. / Looks of a prisoner of regime who was released.
- Halep-Azizah: Rejim güçlerinin üslendiği bir binanın havaya uçurulması. / Blowing up a building where regime forces use.
- Deyr ez Zour: Ahraruş Şam ile ilgili bir derleme. / A compilation about Ahrar as Sham in Deir ez Zour.
- Deyr ez Zour-al Bukamal: Mücahitler füze taburunda bulunan rejim tankını vuruyor. Burası Deyr ez Zour merkezin yaklaşık 120 km güneydoğusunda bulunuyor./ Targets a Regime Forces’ Tank Inside Missiles Battalion in Deir Ezzor. Here is located in 120 kms southeastern side of Deyr ez Zour center.
- Lazkiye: Mücahitler Anbata Gözlem Noktasını ve Kafriya köyünü vuruyor. / Targets Regime Forces at Anbata Observatory and Kafriyah Village, Lattakia Suburbs.
- Lazkiye: İC Cebeli Türkmende bir rejim tankını vuruyor. / IF hit a regime tank at Jabal Turkman.
- Raqqa: Mücahitler 17.Alay dahilindeki rejim pozisyonlarını vuruyor. / Mujahideen hit regime positions inside 17th Divison.
- Şam: Yarmouk kampındakilerin hali. / Situation of people in Yarmouk Camp.
- Halep-Ma'asraniya: Enkaz altından çıkarılan bir çocuk. / A terrible video, Aleppo, 22/01/2014, they pull out a child from under the rubbles at AL Ma’asraniya
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